Beth Sabatino
Every so often, I like to read through to see how others are reacting to an exciting, or turning point, chapter in a story I am reading. Most people write about their reactions to a characters decisions or the emotions evoked by what they have just read. Some are gracious and thankful for another page in a journey they are on with the author and the characters.

These reactions are all what an author wants to hear. They want to know that you love/hate their characters. They want to know when the decisions are/aren't the ones that you would have made in their shoes. These types of comments let them know you are in this with them. That you see yourselves in this world, or you don't. They all show that you care. This makes it all worth the time they are taking out of their lives to share this bit of themselves through their story telling. It is what helps them find the time and motivation for that next chapter.

Here is where I step out of my usual shoes, and get a little ranty.

The link at the bottom of the page says, "Review this Chapter". It does not say "Criticize this person's update schedule", "Attack them personally for not writing the story YOU want", or anything along those lines. Nothing should ever be said about the author themselves. This is a venue for discussing the FREE story you are reading. These are real people with real lives and real feelings. They have jobs, kids, families, and yes, sometimes, vacations.

Before you hit that submit button, look at what you have written. In anyway are you attacking the author and not the characters? Is there any critique on the frequency of updates? (It's OK to jokingly ask for the next update tomorrow. That shows that you are excited or eager. Those make us smile.)

In the end, if you can't find something constructive to say, just say "Thank-you" or writing nothing at all.
1 Response
  1. I have to disagree. Anyone is entitled to criticise something. And honestly, some of the reviews I've seen are nearly literary critic level in terms of quality. I have given very few bad reviews in my reading career, and when It do they are as polite as I can make them - e.g. I REALLY do not like x, y or z. I have to say didn't agree with it for whatever reason. I have reacted to certain content more strongly than others, e.g. domestic abuse, but other than that I am generally quite detached when I comment on stuff.

    As for good ones, I try to be generous. The weird thing is, I sometimes like a story, but I can't think of anything good to say?! Sounds crazy, huh?

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