Beth Sabatino
Chapter 34 Title: I Could Have Danced All Night
Words: 3,120

URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4849197/34/
Beth Sabatino
The Cannabean Betrothal, Ch. 1-12

Wow! Just wow! This is one of the most unique, and best written, fics I have read it some time.

What an intelligent story of love under different cultural circumstances. Not only do you graciously expose us to and explain the ideals of this society, but you make the adherence beautiful, and not inhibiting. In a situation that might seem more like a business transaction to modern eyes, you have shown the emotion of her parents having to let go. You have shown the struggle with how to progress and get to know someone under the confines of rules that are cherished.

You have shown in the world of M ladden fic, that when building a lasting relationship, a kiss can rock your soul.

This is absolutely amazing, and I can't wait for your next installment.
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Beth Sabatino
New story from EJ Santry,

Title: For All the Wrong Reasons

Category: Twilight
Character(s): Jasper & Edward

Words: 7,027
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort/Friendship
Rating: Rated: M
Summary: Jasper was sent away for all the wrong reasons – but stayed for
one very right one, him. Will he be worth everything Jasper must give up to
have him? AH/AU – SLASH BACKSLASH Entry – ExJ Collab with

URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5545629/1/
Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 21

Careful what you ask for, cause you just might get it. In this case, Edward needed to hear more. He is being asked to deal with her nightmares, but they both need to know the extent of the nightmare they are helping the other cope with.

All the truth, I feel, will come out soon. I love the fact they both admitted in this great moment of weakness, that they do need each other.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 19-20

I am doubting that Edward dry humped even as a teenager, so I think this is a whole new experience for him. Our boy is in a whole new world or sexual experiences. He is "doing right by her", but I love how he is still his direct, foul mouthed self. Yet one, that makes his woman breakfast in bed, and is happy just satisfying her all night. Also, I love how proud he is of her, and I hope she recognizes that.

I am happy to see Bella allowing herself to have girlfriends and even enjoy the experiences with them. I think it helps that they are so different from her friends in the past. New friends for a new chapter of her life.

Edward and the piercing pouting was so great.

Waiting for the James shit to hit the fan.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 18

Looks like James is stalking. That can't be good.

Most people, coupled with his need to possess and mark Bella, would think Edward's wanting to know where she is and his paranoia when she doesn't pick up the phone as over-bearing, but I just see that scared boy that is afraid to lose one more thing he loves.

It will be interesting to see if, over time, there begins to be friction between the two of them if Bella stops being so susceptible to Edward's charms, and starts refusing him things he wants.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 17

I am so happy they got that all resolved for now. Though, I can't help but fear how Edward is going to flip his shit when he finds out it was Bella's wedding they were all headed to. News like that will not go over well with the possessive.

The end, in the private ink room was perfect, for them. I loved the hoodie, followed by Edward's own fucked up way of letting her know how he feels. Often in fics, when Edward pleases Bella, but doesn't allow her to reciprocate, it feels trite, but here, we know what a huge personality shift it is for him to be unselfish with a lover.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 16

I can't decide if the way they use pleasure before they discuss the painful is a good or bad thing. It's good, because it douses them in euphoria before getting into to the hard stuff, so it makes it semi-easier. On the other hand, they are going to start associating a painful aftermath with any sexual experience with the other. Mixed feelings, indeed.

Edward now knows a bit about her parents, and that she was on the way to the wedding of her "best friend". None of it lies, but all of it half-truths.

I love how Edward is making an outward display of everything he is feeling, though may not be ready to admit. Unfortunately, Aro & crew had to show up and ruin the party that was going so well. I fear how Aro/Caius will use Bella against Edward. I hate that Bella knows the Tanya truth, but shading it in mis-conception.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 15

Now Edward has seen the subconscious aftershocks of what Bella has experienced, though, he is still somewhat in the dark about the truth of the crash, and who all was involved. He knows now the horror that haunts her when the meds are out of the system and she can't suppress where her brain goes.

James is the cop that followed her home. I don't like this. Not one bit, since I am pretty sure it is him that killed Edward's parents.

Finally, you give poor Edward some relief from someone else's hand! And of course he has a pierced peen! That was delicious, that was. Bella taking charge of her own desires.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 14

These two are going to be a constant explosion of emotion, because they are both carrying so much baggage. So many things they are ashamed of. So, every getting-to-know-you type of questions are going to sting the addressee, and cause emotions to run high. Things are going to be rise and fall with them for a long time.

Then when they both let down their guard, we get these great homemade breakfasts, stolen touches and kisses, and just great care taken of the other.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 13

Most of Bella's truth is known now. It was also very telling in the fact that those who thought they knew her best, still had gaping holes in their knowledge (i.e., Rose not know about the prescription drugs, and Edward in the dark about the crash). Now they are both less in the dark, and all the more torn what is the best way to care for Bella.

Also, Edward is starting to face what it is Bella is coming to mean to him. Then they finally kissed. Bella should have known some cupcakes would be Edward's breaking point. :) It is probably good Rose walked in when she did. They aren't ready for more than that.

OH! The dream. I've put 2 & 2 together, will Edward? I don't want to know...just pontificating.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 12

Wow! So much in this chapter.

First, I loved the whole vibe of the start of the tattoo. The lulls were quiet and serene. The touches were sensual and electrifying. Then, the conversation was harrowing and exposing. There was a maelstrom of emotion in that little room. Bella just got a large leap into Edward's past and personality. I am curious if Caius marks the start of some new trouble for these already troubled would-be lovers.

Now, we both know they both want the other. Others are starting to be suspicious or straight out are clued into the same. Now, they are starting to allow themselves tastes (in this case) or touches (also in this chapter) of their desire.

I love how Edward keeps doing things to mark her other than the tat. I'm waiting for him to piss on her. I hope she is starting to see it for what it is, as well. He wants her, and not just her tattoo.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 11

I loved this day together. Edward being all protective and possessive of her. It was great to see Bella almost happy, too. Edward's calming presence for an entire day had to help. Then her surprise for him was EXCELLENT! I like that you had her feeding him the mini-cupcakes. We know she wants him too, but it was a comfortable action, that she doesn't always show with him.

Despite poor Edward's constant state of arousal, he is being such a good friend to her. If Alice only knew.

The way Edward can read Bella's emotions now will be helpful as he slowly draws Bella's story from her. And at some point, he will have to be equally as forthcoming.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 10

I love the way he is caring for her. He doesn't even know the whole story, but he instinctually is using any excuse he can find to be sure that she is well. Including, ensuring she eats better by holding her tattoo over her head.

I loved, LOVED what she said in the elevator. “For whatever happened to make your heart bleed.” So not what I was expecting, and I don't think it is what he was expecting either. I am sure she will find out soon enough, that he, too, has stared down unthinkable horrors.

Your gradual build of the touches and words is magical.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 9

Edward is slowly starting to SEE Bella. He is starting to see the deep sadness behind her eyes when she is lost in herself, and the desire and confusion when she looks at him. Though the poor man has a ceaseless hard-on, we are starting to see a flickering of desire in him to be more than that to her.

TK2 makes her debut! It is interesting knowing some of the details of this story before reading it. I love how she was brought into the picture. I was thinking that she might be a gift from Edward, but I like this even better.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 8

I think Bella may win the "I saw the most horrible shit" award between these two. Not only did she lose her parents and best friend/fiancee, but his family, and all of their friends. What a burden to carry. We know that she shouldn't feel guilty for this accident, but I can't see how she could not. If anything, she just needs to forgive herself...even a little.

The little tattoo scene was rather serene. Some of the angst and moments between the two of them, but overall, I just got the sense of some calm for the two of them. LOVED HIS LAST LINE!!!

“Why yes Bella, I’d be inclined to show you just about anything you want right now" ::sigh::
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 7

Baby steps. These two need to ease in to each other. They are both so wound right now, that the small gestures of him tracing the dark circles under her eyes, provide and gradual building of trust.

I had a feeling that whatever Bella was drawing for her tattoo would be something epic in proportion and complexity. With someone who has experienced so large of a loss, and such an intense experience, that I would expect nothing less.

It will be interesting to see how Edward deals, through the process, with his mixture of wanting to mark her, and his questioning whether this was a good idea.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 6

It is hard enough when your heart is hurt to feel strong enough to risk it again, but when it has been obliterated, as Bella's has, the glimmer of love or joy can be even more painful than hurt.

We are seeing that there is starting to be a circle of people forming around Bella who want to be given the chance to love and care for her. She just isn't ready. Not yet. Luckily, she has a neighbor who is direct, and has heard the madness that comes out in the dark. She needs this, so desperately. Then, maybe, she can take another small step forward.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 5

Wow. To come home to find both of your parents murdered. I don't know how you recover from that. I am impressed that his nightmares are now so infrequent. I just can't imagine.

He is also lucky that he is clean of many things after two years of drugs and whores.

Poor Edward is made to be the tool in this one, isn't he? Guy can't help that the general needs to salute the lady, no more than I can help my rock hard nipples when it is below 50 degrees.

I do like how she is starting to play with him, though. She is still the shy girl at times, but Tiger Kitty is also fucking with him. :)
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 4

I can't imagine the tragedy Bella has seen. Having my best friend murdered left me emotionally distant and feeling unworthy for 4 years, so I can't imagine what she is going through.

It is great to hear she is feeling everything he is, but it is going to be a long road for the two of them. Both feeling so undeserving due to their respective pasts.

I can't wait to see what it is she is designing!
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 3

I am so glad that you allowed the first meeting to be brief, and strained, and awkward. He doesn't really know her yet, other than the glimpses of her taste in books, and there is a temper under that shy shell. There is no mistaking the pure physical attraction. I like that you made him feel guilty for be at the strip club.

Already a misconception painted by Edward though(her drug use - sounds seeder than I intend it to). It will be interesting when the truth is revealed.

Finally, I like how who seems to be a normally confident man becomes silently contemplative and observant when Bella is around.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 2

::sniffs the air:: I smell angst galore in this story! ::fist pump::

Bella has a past two, and it sounds like a horrifying one at that. I have my speculations to the outcome of the plane's descent, but will wait for you to spell them out for me.

Though Bella has a dependence on a cocktail of drugs to allow her to function, she is also making a small effort on her own to try to live in working for Esme and letting her in, even if it is just a little.

I am interested in seeing if the rage is a result of her experience or was present before.
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Beth Sabatino
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Ch. 1

::kicking myself...kicking myself furiously::


HH, if the rest of this story is even half as good as this first chapter, you can count me as a new disciple at your alter.

I am hooked from the start. It is not an in your face type of start. It is a gentle cadence that eases into your brain until you find that you are entranced with your characters. Edward is a man who loves what he does. He is content in his life. Obviously, there are some things in his past, and the fact that he has one is delicious.

Also, you give us, who I assume is Bella, in the first chapter, but like Edward, you give us flashes of her personality, but no true access. She is a mix of interesting detail so far, yet she is a mystery, which I love.

So happy to have entered the rabbit hole. You will be hearing more from me.
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Beth Sabatino
572, o/s

This was a great one-shot on the trials and tribulation of being in sexual exile. You did a great job of building up to the final moment. I love the blocks you threw in their road along the way until they could come together (wink).

Good luck in the contest!