Beth Sabatino
Take the Ice, Ch. 20

I have loved watching Bella's transformation through this story. She went from being a broken commodity at the start to a confident woman who is wrapped in so many arms of love. She now knows unconditional love, familial and romantic. When you have that, you can't help but feel lifted up. Everything is better. You're better.

It's so nice to see these two doing their thing while settling into life together. I love seeing them playful, and I LOVED that Edward had framed the bowling score card. :)

This chapter also had a nice play on the feather scene from the book.

As ever, I am in love with your writing and this story.
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Beth Sabatino
Title: Raw and Rosy

Author: tuesdaymidnight

Chapters: 9

Words: 41,870

Reviews: 822

Summary: Jasper Hale hates his high school rival Edward Cullen with a passion. What happens when Jasper discovers Edward's little secret? Spank!Fic. AH/AU/OOC. Rated M. Contains mature content.

Spank!Fic. Gotta tell you, my lovelies, this had Bethie’s doubts up before I even got started. I know people have their fetishes, but I just wasn’t sure that I would find it titillating. Let me tell you...by the time I got done with Chapter 9, I was reading with my toy box.
I love the duality of this Edward and Jasper’s relationship. In public, they are borderline enemies, even coming down to fist fights in school. A chance slap to the ass by Jasper trying to play off one of their fights causes Edward to react to Jasper in a way he never imagined. This sexually explorative Jasper’s interest is peaked.

So, the boys start meeting up after school, at least weekly, for their “sessions”. We quickly find out that Edward has never had a male lover. I love the fact that Jasper makes him stop before the first time they fuck to make sure that Edward is really sure about all of this. It’s his shift from dominant to caring that is so intriguing. He may be a dick head to Edward, but he is not a dick.
He felt so good around my dick. He was so tight, I couldn't get over it. I was nearly getting high off knowing that I was the only one who had ever been inside Edward this way. This part of his body was mine and mine alone. If he wanted to continue whoring himself out to the sluts of Forks High, that was his business, but this, this perfect ass was mine.
As the story moves on, the boys experiment from everything from a handmade wooden paddle to store bought paddles and canes. But, I have to admit my favorite moments are when it is just the two of them, just using hands, mouths, and fucking, that the real magic is. You can see the shift in their personal dynamic. There are softer moments that leak into the before and after of their sex life. Such as after they almost get caught in the act by Edward’s mother, only to finish with her just downstairs, and Edward gagged with Jasper’s underwear.
"You can come with me. If you want to get away from her. I don't know what we'll do, but if you want an excuse to leave."

"Thanks, but it's better if I deal with her tonight. She'll be out of here in a few days anyway. She never stays long."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah," he said with a sigh. He brought his right arm up to rub the back of his neck. "She's still my mom, you know?"

I did know, so I nodded.
In our discussions, we all see someone breaking emotionally soon. By that, I mean that they are both becoming attracted to one another more than just as a way of getting off. I thought Edward was going to crack in the woods, but alas, he didn’t. I think it is coming soon, and I am anxious to see what it will mean for them.

4.5 out of 5 Rosy Hand Prints
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Beth Sabatino
Title: Last Tango In Forks

Author: AwesomeSauce76

Chapters: 15

Words: 88,635

Reviews: 3866

Summary: Bella Swan has spent a lifetime putting everyone else's needs before her own. Could a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger begin to change all of that? AU/AH

I have to admit, because of real life, I was late to get started on reading this fic. All the other Pervs were chatting about great smut and how much they loved it. I even saw Jeanne say she didn’t mind that this Jake was being mistreated, and I about fell out of my chair. So, I finally got to sit down and start reading it today. Needless to say, the day is not out, and I am done. This story has so many elements that I love. It is beautiful while being tragic. There is angst, but it never is pushed too far. Everything every character does Just. Makes. Sense.

I could quote something from almost every chapter that had me wound up until I was practically tackling Mr. Bethie when he came in the door, but the true magic of this story, for me, is in it’s leads.

When we first meet Bella, she is leading a predictable and contented life. She may have the inkling of wanting more in the deep recesses of her mind, but she is, for what she knows of the world, happy. She had a job she loves, a dad to take care of, and a fiancee who loves her. All of that changes with a simple sign in the window. “Apartment for Rent”. It is then that we first get a taste of the fact that not all may be perfect. After she finds an apartment that is empty except for a broken man in the bedroom, her world begins to shift on it’s axis.

Everything she has pushed to the back of her consciousness. All those things she has convinced herself over time she can live without. They ALL come crashing into her self-awareness. She realizes she is being used by her father as more than a crutch. She recognizes that she is in a passionless relationship. She acknowledges to herself that she is chained to a life in which she applied the shackles. Alas, she is still afraid. Afraid to tell Edward, who has breathed life, passion, and happiness into her life, that she wants. Wants him. Wants this. Forever.

Then there is Edward. When we first meet him, he is coming back home to bury his wife. His life is an absolute maelstrom. His wife has killed herself, but we learn that their relationship has been dead for years. They lived denying themselves real emotion while indulging in just about everything else. Now, Edward is free, by her design and he is adrift. Pretending to be a grieving husband and afraid to be the man he always wanted to be.

But, unlike Bella, we see his life finding calm as the story progresses. He is reconnecting with his family which he adored, but was forced apart by his wife. She convinced him that they didn’t want him, and he let himself believe the lies. Now, he is realizing that there is forgiveness and love to still be had. That all is not lost.

Then, there is Bella. She is his resurrection. Edward was a dead man walking. He had been sucked of his life by years of drug abuse and a loveless marriage. Now that he has someone real and right, and it scares the shit out of him. He doesn’t know how to do love. He doesn’t recognize it as he is feeling it, but he is starting to. He knows he wants her. That he needs her, but he has put so many rules in place that don’t allow them the final step into bringing them into the real world.

They are so close now. They have confessed things in the throws of passion and even screamed over a thunderstorm everything but that final word that will make it real. Love.

The last few chapters have edged their real lives closer and closer to colliding. I am anxious to see what happens when it does.

5 out of 5 sticks of butter (apparently for more than popcorn)
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Beth Sabatino
Title: Our Lives Unbound

Author: theladyingrey42

Chapters: 9

Words: 34,713


Summary: My mind is trapped in circles, my loneliness pressing in. Unable to speak, I reach for her spark. In her eyes, I find my partner. In her command, I find my freedom. Together, we open our lives to something more. AU/AH, D/s, male sub.

Every so often, you come across a story, that is not only intriguing, but is also like being wrapped in a poet’s tongue. That is Our Lives Unbound for me. theladyingrey42 serves up an extremely awkWard who is doing his best to find the cure to his isolated life. With his brother’s help, he has gone on a series of blind dates which blur together in a sea of eye color and intellectual stagnation. Soon he is broken from the monotony by a pair of brown eyes, and unusual answers to the same questions.

Bella not only frees Edward from the dating doldrums, but liberates him from the trappings of his mind about his sexuality. Edward is shackled by the fact that he is a virile man who need sexual release, that has been unfortunately mostly in his hands these days. She is the aggression and the assurance he needs. As she binds him physically, she releases the locks on his self-doubt.

The sex itself is presented in a light BDSM light, but with the two of them, you never feel there is a lopsidedness to their equality. Bella’s dominance forces Edward to admit to his wants and needs.

Her mouth is a smirking, lilting line, radiating with that mischief I saw in her even back at her curb, and it makes me so fucking hard to see her play with me. "You think you can do better? You think you know my pussy better than I do, even though I touch it every day?"

"Lllet me," I insist, and it's all I can say, my eyes holding to hers as steadily as I can mange to with her hovering over me this way. "Let me lllearn."

"I don't know," she says slowly, wet noises still resonating from her hand at her sex. "Have you earned it?"

"I wwwill," I promise, straining at the silk of my tie and at the wooden slats she has secured me between. "Please."

"Just a taste," she offers, and I murmur my thanks, watching the lusty expression on her face, the plush surface of her lip as it disappears under ivory teeth. Her thighs squeeze my naked chest, her body inching closer until she has to shift to place her knees to either side of my head. Slowly, so slowly, she swipes her sex over my chin, making it wet, and I push up to try to circle the point of it at her clit as she moans, soft and low. "I love your skin," she whispers. "Your lips."

She's over me then, finally, lowering steaming flesh and girl to my mouth, the hot scent of her filling my lungs and making my eyes roll back in my head. Desperate for her pleasure now, I part my lips, my neck shifting awkwardly to try to reach as I graze her with my teeth and she sighs.

The flip side to the heat is the soft moments. When Bella is vulnerable above a plate of pancakes. When Edward is alone with his self-doubt. Bella is afraid it is all going to be too much and Edward is afraid he is not enough. I love how Bella cares for and understands Edward. She doesn’t let him feel ashamed. She lets him know it is OK, and for once he is emotionally free.

And it's too much.

Too much happiness and pleasure and connection, so many years of feeling wrong and of suddenly feeling right. I can't even understand the words tumbling out of me, and I keep her face to my neck so she won't see the soft lines of tears I can't explain running down my face.

*sigh* I can’t wait to see these two continue to wrap each other up physically and emotionally.

5 out of 5 handcuffs
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Beth Sabatino
Title: Ethan Church

Author: dryler

Chapters: 13

Words: 37,395

Reviews: 2,102

Summary: When Bella accepts an offer to write the biography of a severely reclusive author, the old, dying man she's presented with and the young, too perfect man she meets while there convince her she's missing some very important parts of the story. E/B, AU.

The underlying love story in Ethan Church is something that latched onto me, and is something I can absolutely empathize with: the love of books. The “spine” of this story, so to speak, are the books. We see from the very first chapter that Bella’s first love affair is with the written word. She surrounds herself with it for pleasure, and is dedicated to them in her work, which is why Ethan seeks her out to write his biography. He knows she is faithful to the writer’s story.

As a fellow bibliophilia, this is one of the first Bellas that I have felt an instant connection with. I love the smell of bookstores and libraries. I have been lost time and again in books and felt their continuing resonance long after I read the last word. I love the twist of this story where the lingering feeling is actually a manifestation of their destiny. that these two were meant to find each other, and be together. That it was their words that lit the fuse that led to their coming together.

This story is cleverly twisted around it’s players. You are constantly wondering who everyone really is. As the mystery reveals itself, it leaves me smiling at a gradual, yet intense courtship, and colorful supporting characters. You will not regret reading through this short story that will long stay with you.

4 out of 5 lemons in the garden
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Beth Sabatino
A Rough Start, Ch. 29

My favorite thing about this story is that these are people I know. They are people who I grew up with. They work hard. Real life is not easy. It is complicated by poor decisions early in life, or no desire to move any further than the neighborhood in which they were born. Life is simple to the eyes of some, but complicated in it's own way.

Most of all, they are fiercely loyal. They will literally fight fore you. Each chapter of this story is a bit like a visit home.
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Beth Sabatino
Southern Charm, Ch. 34

Here is the part where I effuse in nausium how much I have enjoyed this story. You have written a tale of trial, one of your characters damaged physically and the other emotionally. I have been caught up as both of the push and struggle to heal.

My favorite thing, and the thing that I think makes this story unique when damaged characters are involved, is that their love never falters. It is the constant in this story. Eight year absence, physical trials, emotional damage,...nothing fractures their love. It is what gives them strength and has made this story one of my favorites.

Thank-you so much for writing!
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Beth Sabatino
Today, Tomorrow, Next Year, o/s

Though I, myself, was left on a plateau of meh at the end of Mockingjay, you once again come into my brain with soft words and significance and make things better. You have artfully crafted the desire for happiness. You with subtle

movements and honest words conveyed healing.

It was them coming into the light. It was real.
Beth Sabatino
Voting starts tomorrow for the Slash/Backslash 2.0 contest. Vote for me!

My story is "Impossible" by EJ Santry

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Beth Sabatino
Title: Freezer Aisle Head Trauma

Author: Krugness

Words: 7,968

Reviews: 25

Summary: Bella's a bit saucy, not a blush to be found...Edward's a tired resident with hidden treasures...A chance meeting in the freezer aisle...Is it fate? A Tattward & Inkella One Shot Entry

Every once in a while I go back and revisit old contests to check out the entries that didn't get much notice, to see if there is a gem that was over-looked. It is in the archives of the Tattward & Inkella contest that I stumbled across "Freezer Aisle Head Trauma". How I ever missed this the first time around, I have no idea. First, it has an intriguing title. Next, the summary (which we all know sucks to write), a saucy Bella and a Dr.Ward, yes and fuck yes.

This all kicks off, as the title suggests, in a grocery store. Both Edward and Bella are picking up a few things for dinner on their way home from work, when Edward finds Bella trying to retrieve her favorite ice cream.

Edward had spotted her in the freezer aisle as she bent over to reach the bottom shelf. She was wearing a pale yellow skirt that hugged her shape until just above her knees where it flared out showing off her legs. The shape of her hips made his palms itch grab a hold of them and learn their shape by heart.

Visions of those same hips sans the skirt began to affect the fit of his scrubs as his cock began to swell. As he stepped closer to her she leaned just a little further into the freezer causing her thin silky blue shirt to slip and show a narrow strip of skin on her back.

He barely held back a groan at the sight of the ink on her back. It looked like flames but there was not enough skin showing to tell for sure. His fingers then began to twitch with the urge to reach out and slide her shirt further up her back so he could indulge himself with the sight of her tattoo. He was so involved in his fantasy of tracing the ink on her back to find out how far it extended that he didn't realize that he had moved to stand almost directly behind her. The woman suddenly sighed and took a step back from the freezer. Before Edward could move away she backed into him and stopped.

Startled, Bella stands up too fast knocking her head into the shelf. A domino affect occurs where he drops his basket to catch her, they slip in the mess his shattered basket causes, and end up in a heap on the floor. After some debate, Edward insists that Bella let him take her to the hospital, call a friend, or take her home with him, so her head injury can be monitored.

"I'll make you a deal" He said. "I'll drive you to my house, it's not far from here, you can use my shower and I'll loan you some clothes while yours get washed. I'll even order dinner since we aren't presentable for a night out. I'll even promise to be a gentleman." The crooked grin he flashed at her made up her mind. A chance to get into his house and shower may just provide an opportunity to scratch the itch that had tormented her all day.

"I accept your offer," She grinned with a twinkle in her eye, "as long I get to chose dinner and you take back your offer to be a gentleman."

After she almost slips again getting up, Edward swoops Bella up into his arms, and they start out to his car. On the way, she sees his piercings in his ears, which starts a conversation about them. As they flirt and tease their way to his car, a conversation about their tattoos also begins.

Their rush to Edward's house is briefly way laid when they both receive phones calls. Turns out they had both promised to meet up with friends and/or family tonight, who were trying to hook them up. The friends/family are all one in the same little be known to Edward and Bella. Alas, they both blow off their commitment to continue their night together. Only their friends are the wiser that they are completing the evening how they had hoped.

Once back at Edward's apartment, they waste no time:

"Do you want a tour?"

"Edward," she said "the only room I'm interested in right now is your bedroom."

The rest of the story plays out as they explore piercings with tongues and tattoos with touches.

"I hope you left the gentleman outside the bedroom, Edward" growled Bella.

Edward leaned over piercing her with his burning eyes.

"You can fucking bet on it" he growled back and with that he moved up and thrust into her.

I'll leave you to discover the rest of the delicious lemon on your own. In the end, she leaves us with them cluing into their friends' secret, as they head to a post-coital shower. This story left me smiling, and knowing these two had lots of good times in and out of the bedroom ahead of them.

Final talley
Edward: four tattoos, 3 ear & 2 nipple piercings
Bella: 3 tattoos, numerous ear & 1 belly button piercing
Bethie: fanning herself
Beth Sabatino
Title: Deceptive Little Flower

Author: LoreliD

Summary: Jane satisfies a long harbored carnal curiosity as only Jane would. Canon Jane lemon O/S

I have to admit, since seeing Eclipse, I have a new fascination with Jane. I was glued to the screen whenever she was on it. She felt like the only character with depth, and the contrast they did with her eyes and skin tone with her black coat. Glorious. I digress. So, it is not surprising that I pimped this Jane one-shot to my fellow Anything Goes h00rs.

In this story, we don’t find Jane as a prepubescent doll, but as a young woman exploring her sexuality. It is hinted at that she shares Aro’s bed, but with Heidi’s encouragement, she seeks a new kind of pleasure.

"The scent of his arousal, the thrill of fear when he realizes his coming death, it will only add to your satisfaction," she coaxed suggestively.

LoreliD does an amazing job at her descriptions of the surroundings, Jane, and the human boy she is pursuing. I found myself absolutely in the moment from being able to picture, and almost feel, the “crumbling green entombed stone benches” to the smell of the “damp brick wall”. My senses were completely absorbed by her writing.

I loved watching Jane in this story “give in”. She lets the human “dominate her”.

I gasped in excited shock, no one within the Volturi ever dared to display any dominance over me, and this weak human's ignorant control was beyond exhilarating.

The lemon isn’t the longest one ever written, but you feel in the moment as Jane shifts from enjoying this role play and the feeling of the warm human consuming her to her baser needs taking over.

I could feel my urge growing. As he swelled inside of me, his cock throbing in time with his pulsating artery, I brought my lips to his and kissed him once more.

I love how she finishes the moment. It is beautiful, but I will leave it for you to experience on your own.
Beth Sabatino
Title: The Education of Professor Cullen

Author: sheviking

Chapters: 17

Word Count: 103,946

Reviews: 3,651

Summary: College professor Edward Cullen is thoroughly annoyed by his student Ms. Swan. Everything about her bothers him, and he longs for the semester to be over. But what happens when he meets her one night when they aren't in school? Lemons and naughty language

It is no secret that I love a nerdy awkward Edward. This one has it in spades, but as I was chatting with my fellow Pervs about this story, I couldn’t help but point out that this Edward was socially awkward, but not socially retarded. He is just a guy who has lived a somewhat sheltered life. He has done what he has needed to do. I think he has enjoyed his solitude and study up to this point in his life. Edward has slept with a few women, but never was secure enough in himself for the experiences to be anything more than average. What he needed was liberating, and that is where Bella comes in.

I love the Bella in this story. She is sexually secure and seems to have a confidence about her. She is in your face from the first chapter. She doesn’t ease Edward out of his shell, she cracks that fucker open with a sledge hammer. The ironic thing in the end is that her shell cracks too, and as the story goes on, we see the abandoned girl behind the tough facade. We know a lot of her story of losing her parents, and eventually her grandfather caretaker, but there still seems to be a part of her vulnerability that we haven’t seen.

In a twist, as she softens, Edward gains his footing. It reaches it’s zenith in the latest chapter as our emotionally stunted Bella tries to flee:

Relief flooded through me. She didn't mean what she was saying. Isabella was a horrible liar or maybe I just knew her face so well that I could see it clearly. I walked over to her and made her look up at me.

"Tell me that you don't feel anything for me. Look me in the eye and tell me that this has just been sex to you and nothing more," I challenged her.

From the outside it might seem like I was taking a huge risk in putting Isabella on the spot like this but it didn't feel that way to me. I knew that she had feelings for me. She couldn't have faked everything that had happened in the last few days.


She took a ragged breath and avoided my eyes. I lifted her chin and she met my gaze.

"I…don't f-feel anything f-for y-you," she stammered and her eyes overflowed with tears.

"Liar," I whispered and cupped her face in my hands.

"This w-was j-just…sex," she gasped as the tears ran down her face.

"Liar," I murmured and bent down to kiss her.

Her lips trembled against mine and she was completely rigid. I looked at her when I pulled back. All her actions this morning gave off the impression that she wanted to leave but I knew her now. She was sad and most of all scared. All she knew was being alone so she was trying to push me away again. I had no idea what had happened during the night to cause this dramatic shift in her, but I knew that she didn't mean what she was saying at the moment.

I had spent my entire life being afraid of the unknown, always sticking to my routine to avoid disorder and chaos. I knew fear when it stared me in the face and right now it was painted all over Isabella's beautiful features.

"Don't be scared," I whispered.

This story has taken a beautiful arch from pure physical pleasure to two people who should have never worked falling in love. As much as the lemons leaving me fanning myself, the rainbows and kittens are done with such a tender touch. Soft moments like the first time the shift occurred from sex to making love (see Nina's quote below).

In one final note, my favorite small detail that has my dirty bird brain on over-drive: Bi-sexual Jasper. He is a minor character. Just a friend/co-owner with brother Emmett in this story, but the one conversation about his sexuality is enough to make the girly bits applaud. (was HOPING for some Jasper sandwich at the club...just sayin')

"I'm not gay," he said casually. "I'm…versatile. It's all about the person for me. It transcends gender."

Emmett stared at his friend completely bug-eyed. This was obviously news to him.

"You're not into me, are you?" he blurted out.

Jasper threw his head back and roared with laughter.

"No!" he gasped and wiped his eyes. "No, I'm not into you, Em."

"Well, it's not that funny, is it?" Emmett said with a pout and crossed his arms.

"No, I'm sorry, buddy," Jasper said and gave him a pat on the back. "You're a very attractive man but you're really not my type."

"I tend to go for guys more like Edward actually," he added and smiled at me.

Yes, please and thank you. ;)

5 out of 5 Naughty Professor Ruler Spanks
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