Beth Sabatino
The Misapprehension of Bella Swan, Ch. 22

This story is such a dance for me. In general, I can't do crackfic, and at times, this is borderline for me, but you dance just on that side of the line that it is just funny and not ridiculous.

At the same time that you amuse me, you leave me on fire and seeking out MrB. The moments when they are just quiet and enjoying each other are so sexy.

Love my hockeyward fix!
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Beth Sabatino
A Rough Start, Ch. 26

Edward really is starting to shift, yet part of him remains intrinsically the same. I love that you aren't having him morph into something he is not, or have some miraculous see the light change. His shifts are subtle, gradual. He is figuring out the job and responsibility of fatherhood gradually. He make mistakes. His judgment is clouded by his own past. He is chalk full of faults, which makes him one of the most approachable Edward's written.

I just always hold my breath waiting for Bella's patience to wear out, but she sees him for who he is. She loves him "warts and all". I think she sees that he still has demons to face, and would be healthier for doing so, but it won't change her love for him.

Their relationship and situation isn't easy. This story isn't easy, and that is what makes it so great.
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Beth Sabatino
Let's Get Physical, Ch. 2

I like the journey you have set Bella on. I think it is also an interesting test of your readers. I will be curious to see how they respond. Hopefully they don't see it as judgment on people who are overweight, but as a journey of someone who has lost their self-esteem and self-respect, and may not have been aware of it. For Bella, it takes her husband leaving to realize that she has focused her pain in negative ways. I will enjoy watching her not lose the weight, but gain her confidence back. To find her worth, not in her physical being, but in who she is. Find who she WANTS to be.

Looking forward to more!
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Beth Sabatino
Love In My Box, Ch. 16

Alice is married! Oh man. Edward is already mocking Jasper. It will be interesting to see how you choose to portray him in this.

I love the journey of these two figuring out physical intimacy after months and months of emotional and intellectual intimacy. I think your play of a mix of sexy and awkward is perfect for the two of them. My LOL moment for sure was in the car:

Bella is going to make me come in my car. If this wasn't feeling so fantastic, I would be mortified at the thought. Where's the um, emission, going to go?

"Oh, Bella, mmm, yessss!" I cry out as I come all over her hand, and unfortunately, my steering wheel. Well, I got my answer.

I love that his family is so overjoyed with the fact that Edward has a girlfriend, especially Esme. Poor guy. I love this couple. I really, really do.
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Beth Sabatino
Southern Charm, Ch. 27

We spent the first part of this story watching Jasper recover physically. Now we are getting into the crux of Edward's emotional healing. I am so happy that he and Carlisle came clean with each other. I don't think anyone outside of an abusive relationship can understand what it is like to wear the shoes. I am just so thankful that you have written such a wonderful support system and partners in Jasper and Esme for these brothers. There is a freedom in knowing you are loved so much. It allows you to strip yourself bare, to show it all, and know you will be protected.

There is so much past pain in this story, but the now and future are radiating with happiness.

Love, love, love it.
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Beth Sabatino
Tips for Better Living, Ch. 12

Once again, you have created a story that makes me think. Not to question the social acceptance of this May-October romance, but hoping that I always remain open to where I might find my next friend.

I love Edward's growth in this fic. He goes from careless and carefree to wanting others to have a good opinion of him. He starts looking past the now, and thinking about a future. Bella inspires him to be a better man. In the end, though, he is his own motivating force.

Bella also has her own quieter arc. She is closed and reserved at the start, but by the close, she has allowed herself to open up to another again. To trust. To allow herself the hope of desire.

Thank-you for once again sharing your gift of story telling. It was a lovely short story.
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Beth Sabatino
Twilight 25 Summer 2010

Is it wrong that I kept worrying the whole time that they were going to tip the bike? LOL! Little did you know that I have a piece on Bikerward/sper/whomever coming up. I now have another to add to my list!

Thanks for uniting smut and motorcycles. It's my kryptonite.
Beth Sabatino
Counterpoint, Ch. 51

I started this journey with you when I picked up Art After 5. I was curious if I could dance along the edge of the taboo, and enjoy. Luckily for me, the writing was fabulous, and the charters pulled me in. I recognized some of myself in Bella's brazenness. I loved the cerebral conversations that they had about art and sex and life. Your Esme and Carlisle remain two of my favorites.

What I didn't expect to find was a friend. A sister from another mother, who I so look forward to meeting in person. When I think of you I smile, and that is a gift.

This journey with Edward's side of the tale was so fascinating with me, knowing the outcome, but at times desiring something else. You wrote his time with Kate in such a way that I couldn't help but love her myself. I hurt for her as I would a friend when he walked away. That only solidified how great Edward's love is for Bella. It made their relationship, in the end, feel more concrete.

Thank-you so much for ignoring the noise, and continuing to take the time away from your life to create these lives on the page.


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Beth Sabatino
Love In My Box, Ch. 15

So nice, I had to read it twice.

This chapter was the perfect culmination of all the build-up from the previous chapters. Not only was it beautiful and romantic, and had me holding my breath and holding back my tears, it was THEM. Bella's rambling. Edward's verbally walking through his steps of getting Bella off. Yet you peppered it with those beautiful moments when they just let themselves go. It was perfect.

Your story has easily become one of my absolute favorites. As always, I patiently wait for the next installment.
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Beth Sabatino
Edward Wallbanger, Ch. 17

My dearest tea kettle,

While we all know you have a fantastic way with the humor, the end of this chapter was a reminder that you have the writing goods to make everyone's O applaud. The subtle sexiness was perfection.

"I felt him move across the kitchen until he was standing right behind me. I froze, feeling his hands gently brush my hair away from my shoulders, and then slip down to my hips. His mouth, his ever loving mouth barely touched the shell of my ear, and whispered,"

*hair on my neck stands on end and I can feel that weight of a man pressing into my back*

"One hand snuck around to the small of my back, while the other gripped the back of my neck. "Truth?" he asked one more time, then pulled my hips to the edge of the counter, forcing me to lean back as my legs once more went on auto-pilot, wrapping themselves around his waist. "I want you in Spain," he breathed, then brought his mouth to mine."

Spain? Why do we have to wait for SPAIN? Why won't this chapter scroll any further? jk.

I can't wait for more when you get to it. :)
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Beth Sabatino
New story from EJ Santry,

Title: In the Dark of the Midway

Category: Twilight
Character(s): Edward

Words: 2,131
Genre(s): Drama/General
Rating: Rated: M
Summary: Edward lives a life of anonymity amidst the Midway of the Carnival.
He only steps out into the light to find someone to fill his carnal needs.
Follow him through a day in his life.

URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6042857/1/
Beth Sabatino
Forever and Always, o/s

That was a lovely one-shot. I like that life wasn't always sunshine and roses for them. It was realistic while being romantic. We all have our shares of trouble, but it is the devotion to working things out that keeps us together in the end.

Thanks for sharing!