Beth Sabatino
Through the Flames, Ch. 1-37

I began this story on Saturday, and needless to say...there went my weekend. I happy surrendered it to you and this story.

Being an expert or even closely affiliated with any of the professions you touch upon in this story, I can't help but feel, or at least hope, that you are. I love the detail you have given in explaining their lives. Not just the emotions they evoke, but the details of routine and life for the men and women we encounter in the firehouse, hospital, EMTs, and physical therapy. You show each one of these professions such respect...respect they deserve. There are so people who do have a calling deep in their bones. Whether it be to save and protect lives, write, mother, etc. It is just THERE for some people.

I love your Bella. She is steadfast and big hearted. She is not a pushover and isn't afraid to call Edward out while at the same time comforting while pushing him forward. Despite the fact that this man saved her life, she doesn't have the hero worship. She sees him for what he is, a man. A fallible, needing man.

Your Edward is also quickly becoming a favorite. He is confused and lost and angry. I cannot imagine having all that defines you teetering on the edge of disappearing. When someone who has done everything "right", suddenly faces the fact that it isn't enough. You set him up so well as someone who has worked so hard. He is financially secure, and even a little less so by being so generous to his family (to a fault). His life is his job. Once injured, he is now faced that his career/life might be over, and that his financial generosity has left him vulnerable of losing his house, which in this case I think is rather a metaphor for his hopes. Hopes of a future and family.

Things seem to be moving toward the optimistic lately, though. Edward is making strides in recovery. He is financially stable at the moment, though not ideally. And most importantly, he and Bella have admitted to the feelings they have been holding back. I love the pace you have given the two of them. They both have so much more going on, that they needed this time. Time for strangers to become friends, and for friends to realize that they have been lovers all along.

I can't wait to see how you bring this one home!
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