Beth Sabatino
Hydraulic Level 5, Ch. 20

Rose, sweet Rose. You wanted the happy, then you went all sappy. (sorry...So, I Married an Axe Murder on the brain). It is hard not to want to try to "fix" things when it comes to the people we love. It would be especially hard if two of the people you love the most are hurting, and being hurt by each other.

I like the idea of friendship vows.

Edward and Bella are like a multiple-personality disorder at times. This chapter highlights that. They are ex-spouses on the alter. They are jealous ex-lovers at the start of the party. They are childhood friends at the bridal party table. They are figments of where they failed and then where they are going in the bathroom. Finally, lovers still aflame on the dance floor. Wanting to dive in and wrap themselves in everything that was good.

Also, I want to hate Charlotte, but there is that layer of truth in the snarky things she says.
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