Beth Sabatino
elusiV, Ch. 1

What an interesting and totally original concept! The vampires known and active members of the community at large. I like how you have already teased us with the idea that they are dangerous, while leaving us questioning if they are being set up.

I look forward to where you go with this!
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Beth Sabatino
A House of Cards, Ch. 24

Wow. Like everyone else, didn't see this one coming. I am left with mixed feelings about this direction. When I first started the chapter, I thought, man...she forgave him pretty easily, but then I just attributed it to her personality. Then WHAM! So, I thought, Trish gave them some resolution, because she was offing Bella.

It was torturous watching Edward have to make all those tough decisions about his friend. I can't imagine the pain of being someone's medical proxy. I know I am in reality, but hope it all comes down to, "They are 103 and can't breathe on their own" type of decisions. That scene rattled some skeletons for me.

Now Edward believes he has found the person/meaning of love, but has it come at way to high a cost? Will Jasper be able to get past Bella's death? Will Edward? I can't help but think, that if this does form into a relationship, even in the long run, it will never be just between two people. It will always contain the ghost of the third.
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 20

Sometimes I hate it when I am right.

Interesting twist on canon having Bella have to choose between Jacob and Edward, but not who she will give her life to, but who she will GIVE life to. You twisted, saucy minx.

I hate when I forget to call my dad when I tell him I will call. I feel like the biggest horse's ass ever. Undeserving daughter. You get the picture.
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Beth Sabatino
Shotgun Charlie, Ch. 41

This is how the honeymoon should have been in canon. I loved the part with her taking the single bite of the lobster to find the table up ended, and a feral Edward standing before her! Sign me up!

The mixture of enjoying their environment with enjoying each other was perfect. We truly saw two lovers emerge as a couple. We should all get this type of honeymoon. Maybe I can get it for 20 years...
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Beth Sabatino
Evading the Orbit, Ch. 4

I can't imagine the unhappiness caused by living your life by someone else's rules, and your happiness being based on someone else's expectations. To be an adult, and always think of "what would X think" whenever I make a decision about my life or happiness. Edward needs Carlisle.

This is going to be such an interesting journey to watch Edward make. The downside is that I think Jasper is going to be an emotional victim in this whole ordeal. I hope I am wrong.
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Beth Sabatino
All I Ever Knew, Ch. 20

I had to set the computer down and laugh for a good five minutes over 'dongbush' before I could continue reading this chapter. Where the fuck did you unearth that term? I don't remember that from the Gillette instructional video on manscaping.

I've missed these boys. I especially loved the moments after Edward tackles Jasper. There is so much joy in that moment, playing, teasing, and loving.

Finally, I love that Jasper wants to be completely in the emotional open with the people he loves before taking that final physical step with Edward. It will make the moment so much more powerful if they are emotionally unfettered by any question of acceptance.
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Beth Sabatino
Mr. Horrible, Ch. 32

While you unquestionably will make me laugh with this story, with genius moments like "Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.", when you throw in a line like "I should have known I would fuck everything up. God knows I always do." in the middle of the funny, it is a sucker punch straight to the jaw...or stomach in my case.

I wasn't prepared for the tear up. ::clears throat, wipes eyes::

So, now that I am sobered up, I am glad they are communicating with the powers that be, and are finding a compromise.

Loved Mama McCarty.
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Beth Sabatino
The Fallout, Ch. 16

I can't even fathom what it would be like to be an empath. More or less one during a time of such extreme emotion. My heart hurts for Jasper, and can't help but think the family is being a little selfish making him stay with them. Send him to one of their houses in the country...away from people. Or have the whole family move there, and have Carlisle meet them there eventually.

Finally, Edward's lack of hope is so saddening. It would be so hard living for others' happiness when you can't find any for yourself.
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Beth Sabatino
Little Boy Lost, Ch. 2

It would be nice if everyone's first kiss was so tender and with someone that they cared about and was cared for in return. I am so happy the boys had that quiet, sweet moment together.

I am proud of Edward for choosing to research and form his own opinions about his destiny. No one, no matter who you are, knows the source of your happiness better than you.

Religion is such a mind fuck for so many. Organized religion is the mob.
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Beth Sabatino
Little Boy Lost, Ch. 1

It is scary enough to be different in anyway when you are a teenager, but to be different in a way that will not only leave you ostracized, but risk being shunned or even harmed by your community if they find out. That has to be terribly frightening. Poor Edward.

Alas, it seems that he might not be alone. ::fingers crossed::
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Beth Sabatino
Diseased Affair - Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Title: Have You Ever
Words: 3,456
Beth Sabatino
Summer SmutDown 2009 Summer Lovin'

Better late, than never, right?

I really enjoyed this story. Nothing like a pining for you silently love affair to come to fruition on the beautiful islands of Hawaii! I loved how you pushed them to the breaking point. First the flirting. Then the kissing. Finally, dinner and the chucking of the cash on the table to rush back to the room to explode in a wonderous lemon.

And you had Edward wearing glasses! That makes the girly parts all happy. Then you coat that goodness with a dirty mouth. RIP, Bethie.

The only thing that threw me was the end. The jump to the "present" came out of no where, and surprised me a bit. I think if there was some sort of transitional indicator, that would have helped. Also, I didn't think the story needed it. If it was something you were really feeling, than I would just make the shift smoother for the reader.
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Beth Sabatino
Subject: Edward Cullen, AKA The Womanizer, Ch. 31

The call Bella got from her patient Bill was straight from Twister.

Bella seems awfully busy and distracted now. She had similar things going throughout the story, yet phone calls and outside things never seemed to be an issue before. Maybe because Edward was the job. ::shrug::

Edward is all happy when Bella is getting her kink on, but he still has major issues of selfishness and jealousy. It is a bit on the unattractive side, I must say.
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Beth Sabatino
Art After 5, ch 49

I am a crying mess. It would be easy to blame this on the hormones that are raging through my body currently, but no. It is your beautiful story and resolution and redemption. It is love, and second chances at important moments. And finally, not only loving, but allowing yourself to be loved in return.

I loved the reversal of mentality and insecurity at the start of this. Now she was the one insecure because of his experience, and he was the soothing voice of reason.

I LOVED this chapter.
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Beth Sabatino
Friday Free For All: MsKathy's TTH Outtake

I couldn't ask for a better way to start my Friday, boy smexin' and MsK lovin'. I've got love doses for you anytime, sweet lady.

I was worried about reading this at first, because I haven't read TTH. I didn't want to spoil anything, but I couldn't resist. But now my queue is finally clearing out, and I have time once again to pick up some new stories. After reading this, I think it is time for me to make The Trip Home.

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Beth Sabatino
Bella and the Billionaire, Ch. 25

Dead beat parents are a plague on society that I will never understand. My children drive me to the brink of insanity on almost a constant basis, and I may fantasize about selling them to gypsies, but if any actually tried, I would make quick of them with my kitchen knives. None of us are perfect, but most of us are there, every day, trying our best.

I'm glad they got this on the record, and Demetri has evidence of Jacob's whereabouts while he missed his appointment. Facts win cases like these.
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Beth Sabatino
Anything But Conventional, Ch. 25

I'm glad they had that conversation. It was a long, long time coming. Avoidance and indifference can be as abusive as something physical for a child. I am happy you have Charlie seeking professional help.

I loved the fact that Charlie sat down and had a real talk with Edward. Not threatening, but just a man to man talk about the girl they both love.

Finally, Alice is pregnant! Rut-Roh!
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Beth Sabatino
Over The Top, Ch. 30

First of all, I adore you. Thanks for being my date, and keep the panties as a souvenir. ;-)

This is my 3rd read of this chapter, and it doesn't deplete the beauty, sincerity, or magic of this day you have created. I love all of the detail you put into this chapter, that really allowed me, as the reader, to BE there. I especially loved your seating arrangement. It gives it the feeling that something unbreakable is occurring. Like the circle, a promise of no beginning and no end, just continuity.

During Edward's toast, I had to stop reading, because I was crying so hard, I couldn't see the screen through my tears. It was all so perfect.

Finally, their unfettered wedding night. This was a detail that made this moment so special, Katie. To give them physical freedom to love each other. The final act of trust between the two of them. That they were both in a place to be loved and protected mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Beautiful chapter by a beautiful lady.
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Beth Sabatino
Coming To Terms, Ch. 25

Pitocin is the devil's voodoo. That is the root of the story of childbirth #1. I was induced. Turns out that Pitocin makes me puke like a mofo. They gave me something to combat the puking that made me just puke MORE and it slowed down the labor. 24 hours of labor and 2 of pushing, kid 1 was born, and you were correct in your story. The moment they put that kid on your chest, everything to get to that point is erased.

I am so happy for these two...THREE! I am surprised he didn't have to go to the NICU at all. 3 weeks early he would have been kind of small. Happy they are all OK. I loved Edward's reverence, but am sad she felt the need to shift the sincerity of the moment with humor.
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Beth Sabatino
Confessions of a Nanny, Ch. 11

I am happy that the "date" turned into confessions and hanging out. Emmett is such a smooth operator. Nothing makes the panties drop like a confident man.

Alright, alright! Edward's got some liquid courage in him, some jealousy...there is some hot stuff about to go down!
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Beth Sabatino
Poughkeepsie, Ch. 62

Rose talking to Mouse in the back of the hearse was my undoing. I love the route you took with that, having her speak to him as you would kid around with a friend. I was trying to think back on whether she ever bantered with him like that in any other part of the story, or if it was how she wished she would have conversed with him in life. In another life, where there was no death or revenge or need to wrap a gentle soul in his own blanket to deliver him to his final stop.

I think we got to see so much of the real Rose in this chapter. Admiring Bella and protecting her. Soft Rose. Unguarded Rose.

This chapter singed my hope.
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Beth Sabatino
A House of Cards, Ch. 23

What a crippling discovery to find out that you are a hypocrite. That you have been seeing things that aren't really there while being blind to the dishonesty a violation you have been bringing to the relationship.

Another affect of allowing yourself to feel. There are the euphoric emotions of love, affection, and comfort, but on the flip-side, there is jealousy, guilt, and fear.

The end of the chapter made my heart hurt. Not because I think everyone will leave Edward abandoned and alone, but because he is so out of touch with love, that he doesn't realize that everyone will hold him tighter, and not push him away. That the more he shares, the more he is given.
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Beth Sabatino
The Sacrificial Lamb, Ch. 26

"Sorry, Buddy. Your time is up." That is true in so many ways.

It's funny. You have me paranoid about who is connected and who isn't now. I am worried if Bella and Edward are safe with the authorities who have them. Will Bella get back to Charlie safely? Is Edward safe in jail? They can't survive that, and then have someone sneak in with a shunt or some bullshit.

I am so sad they are apart, though. I was content with them in the bubble of the cabin, though I knew it couldn't last forever.
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Beth Sabatino
Tropic of Virgo, Ch 36

What makes me fly: accomplishment. Big or small. Just knowing I was able to do something, especially if the journey was challenging for me.

I love that we returned to a little bit of OG and D88. I've missed their poetic messaging. Only now, they are not cryptic phrases about unknown people. They are lyrical proclamations to one another.

"I practically ripped the door off its hinges." had me laughing, and it's impact was more so being that it followed the text messages.

Bella has conquered her fear with the love and support of her friends, family, and her boy. What a transformation!
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Beth Sabatino
Art After 5, Ch. 48

What is it about watching the man you love with a baby, especially being a rock star with a baby, that makes the girly bits go ape shit. Must be that primal instinct to mate with a quality male. I loved the idea of Edward playing the piano with David.

It is fascinating to see how far they have come. All this talking and sharing feelings now. I am glad it has taken them all this time to hop back into the saddle again. It will be all the more when it does happen. This will have everything the first time should have had. There will be love with no provisos. All in this hand.
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Beth Sabatino
Spy Games, Ch. 12

My guess is that Edward was drawing her while she slept. I am starting to lean towards the "Edward is obsessed with her" theory. I am guessing the espionage thing is, I would say not on his radar, but when you are in their positions, it is always on their radar. I hope I'm right.
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Beth Sabatino
Spy Games, Ch. 11

I am confunded. I have been suspicious of Edward's intentions all along, and I am mostly in Rose's camp that this is not going to end well, and I think she should end it now.

Then there is this small part of my brain that thinks Edward's big secret is that he has been crushing on Bella for a LONG time. Following her in magazines, and through the industry. That he has been stalking her. That he doesn't live in her building, but followed her there. That the big secret in the end is that he has a mega-ton infatuation with her.

I hope the latter is correct.
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Beth Sabatino
Cocktails & Dreams, Ch. 24

I love the duality of Renee and Charlie. Charlie being the protective cock-blocker, while Renee is throwing condoms at them. Of course, I think Renee would be equally as thrilled for a shotgun wedding scenario.

It is always so disorienting when you have to change the way live for the sake of decorum. Especially when you are used to sleeping with someone, and suddenly find yourself sleeping alone. I am glad they took a chance, and had that time to connect.

Edward has handled the chaos of the holidays at Bella's very well. I hope things continue to go well for everyone, and their "fiance" bit isn't revealed to Charlie or Renee.
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 19

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

I have the strangest feeling that things are not boding well for Jacob in the near future. I have a feeling a certain wolf is going to get a fiery hot stone dagger to the rib cage to remove his heart...Bella's heart. Will she be able to do it? To save Edward, yes. Am I completely off course? Most likely.

I hope everyone has a Rose in their lives. They are much needed.
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Beth Sabatino
Edward Wallbanger, Ch. 6

It's funny, now that I know your voice from Twigasm, your voice has become Bella's voice in this. :-)

Alright, alright! A twist on the canon couplings! I love it! I can't wait to see how this shakes out, and Jasper in glasses! Falls ded.

You have some great Elizabeth/Mr. Darcy chemistry going with E/B in this one. I love that they have their heated exchanges, but there is still that undeniable chemistry. Things are going to get interesting. Not at the party, I think, because I believe Bella has too much respect for Esme to blow up there, but back at the ranch, things are going to start getting ridonk out of spite...and attraction.
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Beth Sabatino
Hydraulic Level 5, Ch. 20

Rose, sweet Rose. You wanted the happy, then you went all sappy. (sorry...So, I Married an Axe Murder on the brain). It is hard not to want to try to "fix" things when it comes to the people we love. It would be especially hard if two of the people you love the most are hurting, and being hurt by each other.

I like the idea of friendship vows.

Edward and Bella are like a multiple-personality disorder at times. This chapter highlights that. They are ex-spouses on the alter. They are jealous ex-lovers at the start of the party. They are childhood friends at the bridal party table. They are figments of where they failed and then where they are going in the bathroom. Finally, lovers still aflame on the dance floor. Wanting to dive in and wrap themselves in everything that was good.

Also, I want to hate Charlotte, but there is that layer of truth in the snarky things she says.
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Beth Sabatino
Poughkeepsie, Ch. 61

I have to admit, that I didn't react to all that happened in this chapter as I had hoped too. I think it has been too long since we were last with Bella and Edward. I felt a little emotionally removed from these characters. I wanted to feel the panic of choosing between saving Edward personally or calling for help. I wanted to be crushed at the thought that he was dead, but I don't think you will kill him (though I don't put it past you to prove me wrong). I was just emotionally absent. It's not you, it's me. ::wink::

I thought Mike was a perfect shift of the insecure man. They will go to no length to hang on to whatever hill they are king of.
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 18

Our Bella must run the gauntlet. Understood. Nothing of this magnitude should be easily attained. I am curious to see what she will find that made the Stone One. Maybe it is some item from her past. Hmmmm....

I am liking the kid on the plane. Kids are so perceptive, no matter how much we try to coddle and bull shit them.
I wish I had someone to sing to me in German. ::whistles innocently::
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 17

Time to say good-bye to Charlie. ::sniff:: I have never had to step away from my Charlie for long, but I can only imagine the heartache that it would entail.

Waking the Sleeper. Hmmm...can't decide if this is a good thing or not. Worst case scenario, he turns out to be alive, and rejects Bella when they meet again. That would suck.

I am noticing the parallels between worlds. I have for a while, but I like their subtlety in nature.
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 16

The Stone One has crumbled. Now what? Her and Jake are going to sit around at night and braid each other's hair, right? Paint nails. Talk about boys.

I have my suspicions on the Eternal. I am glad I am behind, so I don't have to wait to find out! LOL! Procrastination wins!
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 15

I love that she is drawing again. It is starting to turn into a bit of a collage/scrapbook, but she is expressing herself on paper once more...and awake! I hope she is at least putting the descriptive words down to express these places in another medium later.

Sad and surreal chapter. Good-byes are never easy.
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 14

So excited that Bella has remembered! Now she can rebuild the dream world, and kill the Stone One, and make wolf puppies and live happily ever after in her subconscious!

::snicker snort::

Yeah, I don't believe my own bull shit. I am curious to see what is next. Also curious what else she can take back and forth between worlds.
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 13

Algie is never going to complain about your German again after your brilliance that is 'Closer'!

I love the fantastical that is your story. Dream worlds and voices. So exciting!

The scene between Bella and Alice in the grave yard seemed so natural and devastatingly sad. I've seen the face of a mother who has lost a child, and it is heart wrenching, and the pain is permanent.

Your Charlie is so much like my own dad. Not a day of regret with a horrible woman, because of the daughter that was gifted him. Bella is right, "too good for this world".
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Beth Sabatino
UPDATE: Diseased Affiar, Ch. 26

Chapter 26 Title: I'll Be Home For Christmas
Words: 3,290
Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 12

My mom left when I was 3, and refers to her years with my dad as when she "held him captive". Nice, huh. I am sorry Bella had to hear the truth from Renee. My Charlie would have never told me the truth either. Protecting, always protecting. What is the kicker is when you find yourself similar or resembling a mother like that in any way. You think you can be better than that, but then your failure is reflected back at you by the womb from which you came.

Seth dying was the sad.
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Beth Sabatino
The Sacrificial Lamb, Ch. 25

I am happy you gave them their "last time" before they left to make the phone call. I could feel the unknown hanging over them like a dark cloud. Their love making didn't have that desperation that I thought it might, but a desire to be as close as physically possible without crawling inside the other.

OK...I do NOT like the nosy old bird at the general store! That being said, RUN, BITCHES, RUN!!! I'm excited now and ready for some action! ::claps hands::
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 11

Ut oh. Seth broke the rules. I am curious to see what that means for him in the dream world. It can't be good. Hopefully Bella is able to defend him in some way. I am rather partial to Seth.

Surprise Renee call. I hate when I answer the phone blindly to find it is someone I am not sure I want to talk to. That conversation was awkward at best. It's funny that as an adult, how we can psychologically transform back into our mindset of the hurt child, and then act like one when dealing with an abandoning parent.
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 10

I loved that she snuck in and left an apple sticker on his piano. That was beautiful symmetry.

She is finding her strength, her past, and her memories in her dream world. I think that Renee is key to opening it completely, and I also think the unseen wolf is Edward. Don't tell me if I am right or wrong.

I am anxious to see what she returns to upon sleep.
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 9

I've been in Bella's shoes. Oh yes. Always the bridesmaid. Watching the boys you like ask your friends to dances. Yes, I have been there. Never got to dance with my boys, though, so she has that.

Is it interesting to see what you remember as significant and others can't even be bothered to remember. It was crippling to see Bella's fond, yet painful, memory be belittled by Angela. If she was a true friend, she would know how much Edward meant to her.

"It is time". So excited!
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 8

You know when someone has created something truly new and original when one's life can take them away from your story for almost two months, and I can step right back in and be completely familiar with what I was reading.

I am excited that Bella is starting to remember her dream/wolf world. The mystery is starting to unravel like the twine from the doughnut box.

Now I am curious what in her real life sparked her subconscious memory. Obviously, the wolf world is something she first created in her childhood, so being in the place of her childhood would spark the necessary feelings and memories. Looking forward to this journey!
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Beth Sabatino
Apples & Oranges, Ch. 27

Nothing like being slowly encouraged awake. Do they make alarm clocks like that? Maybe I need to just make the husband set his earlier to allow for "wake-up exercises". Much cheaper than a treadmill.

That Lolaphilologic lady is a special piece of work with beautiful words and corsets.
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Beth Sabatino
Apples & Oranges, Ch. 26

I love using my wiles to get hubs away from whatever he is trying to concentrate on. For me, just takes a flash of the boobies, but I admire SG for pushing the pursuit until successful. Nothing like enticing a man with uncharted territory, either.

Nice one, sweets.
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Beth Sabatino
Bonne Foi, Ch. 21

Victoria changed him! I did not see that one coming! Well played, ma'am. Your action sequence was awesome! No worries there. I loved that he paused during the fight to be pissed that James hitting his car would leave a dent.

I love the open lines of communication with Edward and Bella, and the now developing relationship with the Cullens. I can't wait to read more!
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Beth Sabatino
Art After 5, Ch. 47

Bless the man with the talented tongue.

I figured it was Edward from the start, because I noticed at the time she didn't ask for the key. I love this confident man! His personality, in my opinion, is more compatible with hers now, because of the confidence he has in himself. He doesn't hesitate to exorcise what it is he wants, or state his feelings...his desires.

"I believe you" brought a little tear to my eye.
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Beth Sabatino
Tropic of Virgo, Ch. 35

I'm a traditionalist. Favorite slushy flavor is cherry.

I loved Bella's "rescue". Edward's frantic dancing with Bella's relief. Then her "I love you" to seal the moment. Love it.

Rosalie is such a quiet force in this story. She does a lot of listening, but when she does speak, the handful of words come down like a hammer.

I like the resolution you gave to the festival! They get to play together after all. Yeah!
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Beth Sabatino
Behind Enemy Lines, Ch. 30

Thank-you, outtake fairy!

That was hot. I missed Balticward and the way he talks that just makes the panties drop. Dominant, sexy man.
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Beth Sabatino
Holding Out For You, Outtake 4

I always get all blubbery at weddings...even fictional ones. I loved their vows! To include the children in their declaration of love to one another was perfect for these people, this family, this story.

Once again, thank-you so much for taking so much time to write it and share it with the rest of us!
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Beth Sabatino
Written In The Stars, Epilogue

If that isn't the mother of all cliffhangers. They are together, and possibly getting married in the future. She has published her book, and he is following her where ever she goes.

It's never that easy though, is it. I can't wait to see what you have in store for these two in the sequel.
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Beth Sabatino
Cocktails & Dreams, Ch. 19-23

Chapter 19
One of my favorite things about your story is how completely hot everyone finds Carlisle. Even the girls. It makes me constantly laugh. I also loved Esme's 'how to cope', and telling Bella what she can expect in the future.

Edward's comment about how he didn't mind any of Bella's titles was a great moment.

Chapter 20
Lots going on in this chapter.

First the move. It was great that you showed Rose as being vulnerable. It makes her more real when people give her a soft, trepidatious edge.

Edward with his patient and her fiancee made me love him all the more. He is really going to be such a fantastic doctor.

Finally, you scared me for a minute, when Bella & Cynthia took a long time coming back from the bathroom at the concert. Was so afraid you were going to throw something at us. VERY happy you didn't.

Chapter 21
I could knock you out for that scare. My heart just plunged to my stomach. Evil, plot twisting minx. I am happy you resolved it so quickly. I would hate to have had Thanksgiving ruined.

I am happy that everyone is letting their guard down and confessing feelings, and settling into coupledom.

Chapter 22
So far so good at Thanksgiving. Another thing I love about this story, your Renee and Charlie. It is so great to see them still happily married even with her eccentricity. It is exactly how I imaged them to be. Her all crazy, and him loving every minute of her insanity.

I'm glad Charlie didn't go bat shit on Edward. It was all innocent.

Chapter 23
I am happy that Edward wasn't mad about Renee calling Elizabeth. Of course, everything about Renee screams good intention. Bella is doing a wonderful thing by not telling Edward what to do, but encouraging him to look at things from a different perspective and come to his own conclusions.

Jasper cracks me up in this chapter. You can really see the brotherly bond he has with Bella, and he really looks out for her, while occasionally throwing her under the bus when she won't really get hurt.
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Beth Sabatino
My Brother's Best Friend, Ch. 19

I love seeing this emerging vixen in Bella. She is curious and flirty and willing to experiment. Edward is starting to realize that making love doesn't always mean the missionary position. As long as the sentiments and true feelings are there, then even the coarsest of sex is 'making love'.

I like how you have made their love of each other so apparent to everyone around them. Also, that they see both Bella and Edward becoming better versions of themselves with each other.

I'm so glad Bella was understanding of Edward's situation. What adult wouldn't be empathetic of "I have to get back to work". Curious to see where things go from here!
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Beth Sabatino
My Brother's Best Friend, Ch. 18

This was such a calming chapter after all of the emotional chaos. I enjoyed the casual pace of the conversations between siblings, and future siblings. The trust in those relationships.

Part of me thinks I should be leery of what lies ahead for Edward's job, but I am not. It will all work out as it should in the end.
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Beth Sabatino
Elevators, Blackouts, and Strangers, Ch. 15

Well...that couldn't have gone worse. Not how I was expecting the eventual meeting up to go down, but it is memorable. I hope that they don't get hung up in the "just friends" misunderstanding due to lack of communication land for long.

I am curious how everyone else's evenings shook out.
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Beth Sabatino
Kick the Tires, Light the Fires, Ch. 12

What a great date! I loved that he called and asked Charlie's permission. Classic Edward. They had such a great time, and Bella won over the family, and her man. I enjoyed it very much.

Of course, you had to piss on their night and throw some pap shooters and people with the cell cameras. ::sigh:: The price of celebrity.

Good chapter!
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Beth Sabatino
Counterpoint, Ch. 9

It's funny, as I read this, my first reaction is that the Edward/Carlisle conversations were starting to sound like a broken record. Then, after I thought about it some more, I see that Carlisle assumed from the start that this relationship would fail, and is constantly trying to give Edward his own experiences to draw from when it does happen. Cushion the blow when it comes.

A song that is the story of my life? Maybe Closer to Fine.
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Beth Sabatino
Jane, Ch. 18

Not how I expected this leg of the journey to end, but this is your vision, so I am going with it.

I loved Luke's letter to Jane at the end of his journal. I think she was right that Luke's Janie is dead. I don't think she would want him to ever know her like this. And I think her life events sculpted her.

Thanks for writing this wonderful story. It is the first time I have ever been empathetic to Jane!
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Beth Sabatino
Must Have Been Love, Ch. 26

I am glad you allowed them to be adults, and let bygones be bygones. You let them get it all out, and land safely back in each others arms. I am glad you had them just being in the epilogue, and not married, kids, etc. It is nice to know that the future doesn't have to be wrapped up in matrimony.

I really enjoyed this story!
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Beth Sabatino
Molto Bella, Ch. 5

I loved the antagonism of the story. Anger can produce some of the best sex. Thanks for sharing this! I really enjoyed this 5-shot!

Anxiously anticipating Bikeward!
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Beth Sabatino
The Fallout, Ch. 15

The beginning of the chapter was so heart wrenching. Thinking of the absolute agony that Jasper's existence must be. Then to think of Alice, watching the person she loves above all going mad, and there is nothing she can do to cure him of his madness. Rough.

The goat bit was funny.

It is interesting to have the wolves out of the bag, so to speak. This is going to be a less than cordial, and far from easy, reckoning. I can't wait to see how it plays out!
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Beth Sabatino
When Fiction Becomes Reality, Ch. 14-15

Chapter 14
It is amazing how a decade of emotional torment can be the result of lack of honesty. If just once, one of them had the balls to confess how they felt, this could all be resolved. What wasted years...

Chapter 15
Thank God for Alice!

Someone needed to intervene and smack sense, hold up a mirror, whatever to these two. I hope Bella doesn't allow herself to be deterred again.
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Beth Sabatino
Rescue Me, Ch. 32

Your hot love making at the end of the chapter cannot distract me from the Tom Fuckery at the beginning of it. I love your story, but I hate it when characters feel the need to lie to protect the other. She should have told him, and then he could be honest about his past, and then this wouldn't be an issue. ::sigh::
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Beth Sabatino
Rescue Me, Ch. 31

Secret, secret, she's got a secret.

This chapter highlights all that is great about your Edward. He is embarrassed when he is anything but adoring and caring of Bella. He is protective of her, by discretely checking on things. Goes out to get her dinner, even when he is not well, himself. So awesome.
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Beth Sabatino
Rescue Me, Ch. 30

Scariest stalker story. My roommates and I had a stalker my sophomore year of college. One morning we came out to find a single word written on each of our car windshields in soap spelling out the sentence, "Rape comes first". I took pictures at the time, forgetting that I had black & white film in the camera, because I was talking a photography class. The pictures looked REALLY creepy.

Puking, drunk Edward was great. I love whenever he is not in control of himself or the situation in a story. It's refreshing.
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Beth Sabatino
The Dominant, ch 37

Nothing like going out on a good mouth fucking. ::wink::

I am so happy you took the time to enrich us with Edward's side of the tale. You gave us the fragile and unsure man under the Dom facade. I thought it might make him lose his edge in my eyes, but it didn't.

::gets on my knees::

Thank-you, Mistress.
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Beth Sabatino
Poughkeepsie, Ch. 60

::holds open front door looking for my half naked Jasper to come busting in and throw himself in my bed::

Fucking fiction.

Really though, that was amazing. Gone is demure priest boy. I love how they are so united in spirit that it is evident to anyone who sees them.

Poor Charlie. Loved the line. "All I want is my girls safe. I don’t care who the hell you and your sister date. Just be safe."

Finally, Emmett finding Mouse kicked the shit out of me. It just did.
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Beth Sabatino
The Sacrificial Lamb, Ch. 24

It is amazing how people feel that holding back on vocalizing "I love you" somehow protects you somehow. I feel that it only makes everything more painful. I think there is a release in honesty. It will still hurt whether you say it or not, because you still feel it regardless.

Hopefully they both express the truth before their good-bye.
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Beth Sabatino
Mr. Horrible, Ch. 31

Vegas, baby!

A friend of mine introduced me to cake wrecks a year or two ago. SO great. SO disturbing.

Chapters like this remind me how much RK seems to be on egg shells in all areas of his life. He doesn't know how to act with BS's family. He doesn't know how to be with his own family. At times, he is like a scared puppy with BS, herself. I hope that time with her will give him a place where he can just be his own, unfiltered self.

Congrats on your Bellie!
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Beth Sabatino
Molto Bella, Ch. 4

Boy...these two can't interact without bodily harm, can they?

I love your gradual shift in emotion with the bursts of passion in this story. It shows the potential of longevity, with the fire of their start.

Looking forward to the date!
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Beth Sabatino
Creature of Habit, ch 30

Thank-you for not making it easy. Thank-you for making it be a struggle, and the change not some magic ticket to easy street. I loved this version.

Thank-you most of all for sharing this wonderful story! It is definitely one that I would replace the canon with. I can't wait to see what you come up with in the future!
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Beth Sabatino
Tropic of Virgo, ch 34

I am so glad you didn't drag out Edward finding Bella. It was the perfect length of time. Your writing of her in the closet was amazing. I felt tense and claustrophobic (though in RL I am not). I could feel the pain in her throat, and her despair in the thought of not being found. Brilliant.

Hotdog = stadium mustard or a Skyliner, no onion from Skyline.
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Beth Sabatino
Art After 5, Ch. 46

I loved this chapter! Bella's efforts of distracting Esme. The Cullen history with the art museum. The revelation of how Edward and Bella met, and the long history with the erotica. ::snicker:: Then all of them just releasing the outside world and being for a while.

Then Bella's revelation of Esme being family and declaring Edward the love of her life. ::sigh:: At the end, I love the restraint she displayed at the end. She has lost so much of her selfishness. She has learned that there are things worth waiting for, and that love means so much more than the physical act.
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Beth Sabatino
A House of Cards, Ch. 22

Things have gotten utterly out of control. The absence of communication has people lashing out physically and betraying trust. I was so completely devastated and hurt along with Edward at the thought that Jasper would put Edward in the position of a bottom for anyone other than him. Jasper is feeling betrayed from every direction, and he is laying a path of destruction around him. As I told you, I was yelling at the screen, "Someone fucking un-tie him!"

Question: Is there some back-up plan for when a sub is so upset they forget their safeword?

Poor, poor Edward.
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Beth Sabatino
All I Ever Knew, Ch. 19

I loved watching these two make Thanksgiving dinner together. It was casual, and at times flirty. It is sometimes hard to remember that they really haven't been together that long. Some couples just fall into a familiarity so easily, so naturally, that you know there is some greater force at work.

I hope Jasper gets to introduce Edward to his parents soon. I hope they quickly see how happy their son is and how right Edward and Jazz are together.

Emmett tossing Rosalie over his shoulder was classic! Including the ass slap.
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Beth Sabatino
Molto Bella, Ch. 2

ROFL! I was dying when first she runs her finger through his dessert and she tastes it, but then she does the same, and shoves it in his mouth! So brilliant!

I am anxious to hear what the fallout from this will be.
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Beth Sabatino
Shotgun Charlie, Ch. 36-40

One of my favorite things about this story is the fact that Bella doesn't fight the wedding. That she is as excited about it as Edward. I love that they planned it together in this story, and that they wrote their own vowels. That this unity Bella wanted as much as the change. That she, too, WANTED to be bound to Edward in every way.

The wedding itself sounded perfect for them, and I was pleased to see how it play out. You also wrote Charlie's emotions so beautifully.

I like that there is a variation on the honeymoon, and can't wait to see what their final destination is!
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Beth Sabatino
Bella and the Billionaire, Ch. 19-24

I am happy that Edward and Bella are finding balance in their relationship. Things have been a bit one-sided as far as intimacy has gone. And by that I mean, it was more physical, and their emotional and mental aspects of their relationship were being neglected. Thank goodness for Rose!

I hear all your reassurances about how protected everyone will be and promises, but I am leery. I will wait and see what Tom Fuckery Jacob and Bella's parents pull out of their asses.
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Beth Sabatino
Art After 5, Ch. 45

Esme is so much wiser than many of us. I never realized it until I read it, but I am guilty of "enshrining". It is hard not to. You have lost the tangibility of the person, so you cling to the things that remind you of them, hoping it somehow keeps their physical presence with you.

I am so happy they had that talk, and that Esme considers Bella a part of her life, no matter how things shake out between her and Edward.
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Beth Sabatino
Confessions of a Nanny, Ch. 10

Well if this isn't a clusterfuck of fuckery. Tangled webs, indeed. There is so many bad things to go down before this becomes righted. I mostly fear for the confusion and the stuck in the middle that Delilah is going to become in all of this.

Lack of communication and "rules" always seem to get in the way of things, doesn't it.
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Beth Sabatino
Tropic of Virgo, Ch. 33

Bella on stage was an absolute triumph! I loved every minute of it, and Edward's pride in her was exciting and the tension of the entire chapter physically lifted from me as I watched her through his eyes. Then to have her leave the stage and rush into Edward's arms was perfect.

I loved the moment with Charlie, Edward, and the Swans. His subtle plea to Edward to take care of his girl.
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Beth Sabatino
Volterra Rocks!, Ch. 18

It is hard to remember that someone who is so "known" can be so sheltered and inexperienced with dealing with those basic emotions of love, jealous, fear, etc. That is so Edward in this story, and so he often is dealing with them as a child would. In this case, when he is jealous, he lashes out.

They both, especially Bella, needs to start seeing each other as they truly are, and not what they are perceived to be.
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Beth Sabatino
Edward Wallbanger, Ch. 5

So they are going to meet in a public setting soon. Very exciting.

I loved getting his story. He has gone from the annoying neighbor to a sympathetic and loyal guy. He has 3 ladies, but he is honest and dedicated to them all. Pretty admirable, actually. Sounds like Katie may be getting some on the side, though. Maybe his ladies are going to start leaving him amicably one by one...

I love that the seed of the memory of each of them is now planted in their psyches.
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Beth Sabatino
Scotch, Gin, and The New Girl, Ch. 24

Poor Alice. Sometimes when we take too long, it is often too late. By the looks Jasper is giving her, it is not too late for him. But, when two people have so much history and baggage, it is not easy to resolve issues and confess feelings.
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Beth Sabatino
Holding Out For You, Outtake 3

Dr. Daddy gets me all sorts of squishy inside when I see him being super dad. Nothing hotter than a man who loves his daddy role.

They were a lot more forthwith with their kids that I have been to that question. Of course, mine are younger. I haven't lied, just haven't gone into all the detail. I would totally being trying not to laugh like Bella if I was sitting watching my husband try to explain this.

Thanks for the sweet and funny moment with our favorite combo family.
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Beth Sabatino
A Murmur of Fire in the Vein, Epilogue

I am so happy to see these people find their peace. That families were able to reunite, and find a healthy place. I am thankful that you didn't make the 10 years since rehab be all sunshine and roses. It is work, every day for people who struggle(d) with addiction. You didn't gloss over that, and demonstrated the times that Jasper was on the edge.

Finally, I am glad you worked in stuff about sponsorship, and what a commitment that is. It is a very important part of the NA/AA/etc. groups, and they take it very seriously. Thank-you for showing how important and committed they are in the healing of those they take under their wing.

This was a great story done with respect and honesty. Thank-you.
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Beth Sabatino
The Inspiration, Ch. 9

And the shit officially hits the fan.

You orchestrated this chapter perfectly. You had us all nervous and excited with the two of them. Both so anxious for this quasi-date, so eager to step out into the real world together.

Then you deliver the great misunderstanding of situations across a crowded room to shatter both of their hopes. Well played.
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Beth Sabatino
Creature of Habit, Ch. 27-29

Chapter 27
I loved Edward marking his territory! You do a brilliant job showing his vulnerability where Bella is concerned. He is so together and exact in his life and dealings with others, but he psyche shifts with her. Maybe because she is the first person he has trusted with his weakness, because of the way he views her frailty.

I love Jacob's straight shooting, and I love the fact that it is the non-vamps figuring out the pieces to the puzzle.

Chapter 28
I have to admit that I paused with a small hitch of breath when Edward took off his shirt in the stream. ::wipes drool::

Now they know the truth, and we know, knowing Bella, that when she couldn't get a hold of Edward, she and the wolves went to the bank. I am going to keep reading and confirm this. :-)

Chapter 29
What a thrilling chapter! I was holding my breath, knowing that nothing was as it seemed. Your James was so much cleverer than the canon James. Really one step ahead.

I love how the bite came about. It was a beautiful moment in the middle of swirling chaos.
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Beth Sabatino
Creature of Habit, Ch. 25-26

Chapter 25
The end of this chapter was amazing! A-mazing! Forceful, determined Bella with her dirty words to get Edward to break and physically connect with her, while all the while reassuring him of her love. Then, she goes to walk away, and he is at her feet begging her to stay. Wow. Emotionally staggering.

Chapter 26
I love that it is Bella, who makes the connections to help point them towards Alice's past. That after all of this time, it is her insightfulness that leads them to the keys to James' abduction, and Alice's history.
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Beth Sabatino
Stop, Drop, & Roll, Ch. 45

I love how you resolved, or in many ways didn't resolve their issues, but allowed them to move forward. My favorite thing about these two is that there is very little in the way of perfection in their relationship. They have to work for everything they have, and it makes it all the more valuable in the end.

Thank-you for sharing this wonderfully rich and emotionally complex story! I have truly enjoyed reading it!
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Beth Sabatino
Guns and Roses, Epilogue

I am glad that they have found their life together. It won't always be serene. They have both have seen too much hurt and destruction. They have both experienced great loss. But they do have each other, and they can only move forward from here.

Thanks so much for this beautiful, unique story.
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Beth Sabatino
The Office, Ch. 16

Oh my God, he said it. And then she said it! They love each other!! I'm so happy!! And what do I do when I am happy...I cry like the emo bitch that I am.

Now I am going to pretend that I know nothing more of the plotline of this story, or that you have changed your mind, and float in a sea of contentment and bliss.

Loved the chapter, bb.
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Beth Sabatino
Over The Top, Ch. 29

I am a crying mess of joy!

I am so thankful these boys were able to rise from the ashes of uncertainty to where they stand today. I had a feeling when Edward went off with Jasper's parents, he was asking permission to marry their son.

Can I state for the record how much I adore your Jasper? I love his sensitive nature, and his heart that is so full of love. That he is so emotional every time he has to say good-bye to his family. If that doesn't exemplify the type of man, the type of mate, he will be, I don't know what does.

I am just so happy!!! ::sniff:: I adore this story, and the beautiful creature who writes it.
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Beth Sabatino
The Sacrificial Lamb, Ch. 23

::sigh:: Slow dancing with Mobward. Sign me up!

I have to say that, today as I was doing laundry, I had a stupid grin on my face wishing I was stomping it out in the bathtub instead of loading it into my nice new HE washer. See...you have me all ready to fore go my creature comforts. :)

I love how they are finding their compromises to do what needs to be done.

I am also proud of Bella for facing down her fear of the panic room.
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Beth Sabatino
The Sacrificial Lamb, ch 22

A lot happening in this chapter! At times, these two are safe in their bubble, and are just two young lovers, exploring and discovering one another. Then, Edward has to leave to check-in and let people know they are safe and not dead, and paranoia saturates him as he buys supplies and tries to get back to the cabin undetected.

Then, poor Bella, and her reaction in the panic room. It will be a while before she can be in a confined space like that and not fear she will be stuck there, or die there.
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Beth Sabatino
A House of Cards, ch 21

Fucking hell, Trish. You have me so tangled up and confused.

On one hand, I love that Edward is having this experience. He is experiencing sex with emotion, possibly love, even if on some shallow level. He is being caring, and return cared for.

On the other hand, he's building up his house of cards. There is this good thing he has, but it is being built on half-truths. I am essentially sad for poor Mike.

So, at the end of this beautiful love making chapter, I find myself a sad girl.
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Beth Sabatino
A House of Cards, Ch 20

This was some very sexy phone sex, but there was this nagging part of my brain that was wondering if this was all a bad idea on Edward's part. If he is continuing to lead Mike on in a way, by progressing their relationship, while hiding a large part of himself. Hopefully, he takes a chance on honesty. They both deserve that much.

Things are falling apart in Whitlock manor. Jasper is hiding. Bella and Jake have something rolling on the side, I think. Shit's about to go down.
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Beth Sabatino
The Dominant, Ch. 36

::runs up, jumps in bed, and snuggles up with Bella and Edward::

I loved the normalcy of the beginning of this chapter. Their dates were so much richer from Edward's perspective. Maybe because he is still so very amazed that she is giving him a shot at anything.

His reverence and hesitancy at the beginning of their dinner at his house was so sweet, but it was nice to see a touch of the Master emerge, though he was still determined to be the lover.

They still have so much to talk about, but the communication is open, and they will find their balance.
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Beth Sabatino
Counterpoint, Ch. 8

I am glad that Edward had this day with Emmett and they were both honest with each other about what brought them together that day. Edward needs to learn, that sometimes the best friendships start off under strange and often non-ideal circumstances. He needs a friend like Emmett. One that one be constantly blowing smoke up his ass. ;)

My heart does hurt for Edward, and Bella's inability to take his affections and intentions seriously. I know there is light at the end of this tunnel, but I also know there is darkness ahead as well.
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Beth Sabatino
Guns and Roses, Ch. 33-37

Chapter 33
Once again, you prove that you are one of the best writers of environment in the game. When I read your story, I am there. I can feel the sun's heat on my skin. I can see the colors. I can smell the apples on the tree, and its coarse bark under my fingertips.

I am anxious to see how Charlie fairs. It seems his health hangs on the edge of a knife. What is with the two of us, and putting Charlie in poor health?! :-)

I am happy that Alice knows Bella and Edward's secret. We'll see how long it stays that way.

Chapter 34
I know I have predicted that you were going to kill Jasper off this whole time, but I swear to Jeebuz, it better not be him!

Your depiction of the misery of trench life is gripping. Not only the mire and isolation, but the gripping for any bit of mental fortitude, such as hiding in the bunk, though in reality, it offers no more protection. Then the way you depicted the madness via Charlie. Wow. I could feel my own sanity slipping with Edwards.

Amazing chapter!

Chapter 35
How different the letters are now. Bella and Edward now communicate as equals, and with complete honesty about their situations and what they are feeling. Then the letters of/to Alice and mom kept along the party lines. Both with such innocent concerns, and asking for things that Edward/Jasper could never promise.

I am sorry to hear that Ben died, but someone had to. It is war.

You know I am a fan of the letter writing. Loved the chapter!

Chapter 36
My heart hurts. You know this. I am holding out hope that he is just lost amongst the numerous wounded, or is being cared for by a kind French family. I am not one to hope, though. It is much more realistic if he is, in fact, dead.

I guess I will read and find out.

Chapter 37
He's alive! (I feel a bit Dr. Frankenstein saying that)

I had a feeling you couldn't kill him off. I see you as an HEA type of girl. I am glad they were reunited.

I did think she might be pregnant & him dead, which I thought would be suitable also, but this is just as good.

Bring us home, bb!
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Beth Sabatino
Bonne Foi, Ch. 16-19

Chapter 16
I can't say that I am surprised that he ducked out upon things getting emotionally deep. He has been alone for so long, and he has no memory of every being loved. Attachment, even if you know the emotion is daunting.

Chapter 17
I am so happy that he turned to the Cullens. I think he garnered a lot of insight, not only of the species, but how things can be. That there are different philosophies, and one doesn't have to walk through this eternal life alone.

I can't wait to see how life is about to shift for him. Looking forward to redemption and a future with new friends.

Chapter 18
Redemption comes in the form of a music box, and communicating instead of alienating. It was a fascinating chapter seeing him so vulnerable. He has been so cocky and confident henceforth, this was such a variance. I am glad that he did put himself out there. All his insecurities. Everything he feeling. I like this patient and insightful Bella.

Chapter 19
I am so happy Edward tested out putting feelings to words. He is a different man/vamp now. His personality is less abrasive. He is doing away with pride and selfishness.

Him "discovering" her body was beautiful and rich with detail that put you there.

Now I must read on and see what she thinks he is!

Chapter 20
I am not surprised to find Bella so accepting. I loved the twist of her revealing her suspicions, and her questions about who he is. I loved the light/skin conversation and questions. So intelligent.

And what girl doesn't like the idea of bigger, stronger, faster and where that can be applied!
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Beth Sabatino
Stop, Drop, & Roll, Ch. 41-44

I have loved this story! The emotional depth of the characters has been refreshing in a sea of the same. These characters have real problems, and with that comes a relationship in which there will be struggle, but it will be a stronger relationship for it. These two are going to be alright.
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Beth Sabatino
Poughkeepsie, Ch. 59

That was positively Shakespearean.

Giving us the back story on an already beloved character, making us love him all the more, and then giving him a hero's death. It is often not the mighty who fall, but those who love them the most. Those who would sacrifice it all to be a part of a circle of love, a brotherhood, a family.

Go gently into that good night, beloved.
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Beth Sabatino
Wide Awake, Ch. 52

The hubs and I were just laying in our own "field" tonight, and discussing marriage and relationships, and how the fuck we have made it work for over a decade, and the truth we decided, is we have always done what works for us. We make up "the rules" for our relationship. No two are the same. There is no "normal".

The resolution of this tale of insomnia was perfect. They are looking to the future. They are finding their ways. They are finding THEIR right. I am not worried that these two will be, and in that, is my pretty bow.

Thanks so much for sharing your story with us, and your perseverance in continuing to share in the face of censorship. Who needs a cookie?
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Beth Sabatino
The Fallout, Ch. 13 (14)

Angela Weber! Yeah! I also love that she is with Ben, and are expecting a baby. She is one of my favorite characters, and I am glad to see that you have made her as compassionate and wise as ever. Her as the school teacher is perfect. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that she went against her parents beliefs, and joined Ben, and believed Charlie. I am glad she did.

Somebody is watching Edward... Jacob? Jerk store? And the gun shot business? You have me curious to what is going on.

Another soul twisting flashback with Carlisle. You can't even fault him. As a doctor, of course he is going to feel his obligation is to those who can't help themselves. He is taking for granted of his family's need for him, but it is one of those "greater good" moments. He feels that they can physically make it through this, and that none of the them are going to survive emotionally in tact, so he is distracting his breakdown with work. His curse of God was bone chilling. It's like seeing the pope give the crotch chop to Jesus. Not right at all.
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Beth Sabatino
The Fallout, Ch. 12 (13)

The scene with Rosalie and the kids at the school was hauntingly beautiful. I could see her there fighting off the wild dogs with a blinding mania. Your depiction of what this has done to each of the family members is brilliant. The playing out of their deepest desires, fears, regrets on this global stage of destruction. I'm in awe.

It is so great for the Cullens to be so welcomed and accepted, so far, by everyone they have encountered at the compound. Though there is the ancient rivalry lurking in the background, they do bring with them a hope. It makes me wonder if, after the horrific things these people have lived through, and the great accomplishment they have achieved in their survival, if they wouldn't be accepting if they found out the Cullens' true nature.
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Beth Sabatino
Pieces of Time, Ch. 41-56

I am so happy that Edward got back to Chicago to SEE it before the babies were born. I was so glad they got that experience and time away together before everything went down.

The birth was full of great drama, but I am glad everyone made it through fine. I think you wrote this from Edward's POV so well. It was refreshing to get the man's side/fear of the process.

It was great to see that they did end up with another one, Renee in the picture in her own f'd up little way, and double graduation labor. I can't imagine. Nice way to tie up the lives of these two. I adored Blind, and this was a nice picture of the start of their lives together.
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Beth Sabatino
Counterpoint, Ch. 7

Reading the first part of this chapter hurt so much after the last few chapters of AA5. It makes Edward's loss of Carlisle all the more hurtful. He really did lose his best friend, as well as his father. Conversely, I am happy to see that they really did have a lot of time together, and that Edward got to hear so many of the stories that only his dad could tell him before he passed.

The second half of the story, and in the shower, was complete win. I love seeing your mature boy and his winning cock! LOL! It is so funny to me the difference in his external and internal dialog. So well written.
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Beth Sabatino
Coming To Terms, Ch. 24

Didn't see that coming! She is being shipped off. What will she do? What will Edward say? Hopefully this is not another batch of drama for them, and they can talk this out. I like to think they are at a place now where they can do that. That any obstacles that come before them can be discussed, and the best plan of action for their family can be reached.

I hope everything is OK with Bella and the baby. I love that she called Edward when she needed him. Hurry, man, hurry!
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Beth Sabatino
The Sacrificial Lamb, Ch. 21

My girlfriend growing up was the daughter of a cop, and she didn't know how to fire a gun, so that was not surprise for me. I love that she got off on it a bit.

The sex was hot and intense, and it should be after all the stress and intense emotions and denial flying about for so long. But then, you turn around and give them such tender, still moments, that I love equally. It's a nice dance between the two.

"Stay with me." ::sigh::
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Beth Sabatino
A Murmur of Fire in the Vein, Ch. 21

I am glad that you didn't draw out the rehab, and condensed it down into one chapter. It really is about repetition and healing. I like how you balanced the chapter between Bella and her visits and therapy with Jasper at the rehab center, and what her life was like at home. She had some serious rearranging and cleaning up to do after this. Sort of her aftermath, and preparing for the future.

I still can't believe her and Rosalie having it out at the rehab center. hehehe.
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Beth Sabatino
A House of Cards, Ch. 19

Not good....not good.

They may have been in the playroom, but that was no scene going on. All "rules" were out the window, and they crossed into very dangerous, and emotionally damaging ground. That was irresponsible of both of them.

Edward probably should have talked to Jasper, and not left him to cry on the bed. It was the perfect lead into the conversation they have been avoiding, because they were both already so emotionally stripped bare. I am sorry he chose not to.
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Beth Sabatino
Tropic of Virgo, Ch. 32

"You are the phoenix." LOVE that line.

The truth is out there now. They have a whole new relationship to forge, merging these two beings into one. They have to start learning to communicate with each other. To give the physical person the truth, and not just lay it out cryptically in beautiful words for their virtual selves.

Lauren was kind to plant the seed of anarchy for the festival. Now, will he do it?

Bella Jukebox would play Brandi Carlisle, The Sundays, and PJ Harvey.
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Beth Sabatino
At The Deep End, Ch. 18

I feel really bad for Edward to be closeted in a way. He is being extremely wonderful in his understanding of Jaspers emotional needs. Jasper is a lucky man.

I love that their first time together was so full of love and patience, and it was just the two of them in that moment. Nothing but them and being connected completely. Beautifully written.

I am eager to find out what the talk is about. Hopefully it is the I love you so much, and I am ready to tell my parents talk.
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Beth Sabatino
The Dominant, Ch. 35

Mmmm....sushi. Focus, on the story Beth...focus.

This chapter contains some of my favorite banter between the two of them. It also has the most hope. I love that they are not denying what they feel or their desires moving forward, but they are moving forward on a new path. A path forged in two realities, and in a way they can exist together. I love that they are dating to start with, and that he lets her lead.

The kiss, once again, I could feel in my toes.
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Beth Sabatino
Up To Speed, Ch. 39

How nice to have your own island to escape to. I would love to have that myself, except, I would do my damnedest to leave the kids behind, or bring a nanny, and have them all spend their time in the guest house! LOL! You wrapped this story up very nicely. I really enjoyed it.
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Beth Sabatino
Art After 5, Ch. 44

A date. I love that they are trying to create a relationship based on where they are now. Bella is so right that they can't erase what has already happened in the past. You can learn from it, but you can't pretend it never happened. It will be interesting to see how things progress from here. Bella is dating the man now, and not the boy.
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Beth Sabatino
Mr. Horrible, Ch. 30

Edward was so great to call in Jamie. The fact that he would approach him after all of this time to heal an important relationship of the woman he loves speaks volumes. I am glad that Bella and Jamie might be on the path to healing.

Edward & Rosalie and the McD's is pretty damn funny as well. So funny that Carlisle would pick that as a place where no one would know them. hehehe.
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Beth Sabatino
Passion and Disaster, Ch. 20

The truth unfurled. It is refreshing to see someone react in a way other than flattered to being stalked. It would cast a totally different light, and shadow over your relationship if you realized how contrived it was before you even met someone. Especially with Jasper's baggage. I hope Edward goes to him, or Jasper comes out of the woods, and they continue to talk and be open. This may or may not be a deal breaker for Jasper, but at the very least, Edward has kicked them back about 10 yards in their relationship, and will need to realize that he will have to work hard to regain Jasper's trust. Jasper, in turn, has to realize how hard it is for Edward to interact with new people, and it would take someone, who has been so alone for so long, a while to build up the courage to approach someone.
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Beth Sabatino
A Murmur of Fire in the Vein, Ch. 22

It's great to see Jasper taking his illness so seriously. I don't think there is such a thing as too much therapy, or group counseling when first facing down your demons. It is also refreshing to see so many of his family members taking part in understanding and finding their own answers and support as well.

The reunion at the airport was fantastic, and made my breath hitch. The tattoo is also a very nice touch.

I am happy to see Jasper taking a chance and putting himself out there musically, if that is what he love. He will fall back into the same habits, if he puts himself in the same situations. I was surprised he returned to the accounting firm, but maybe what he needed to realize is that there can be a balance.
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Beth Sabatino
Hydraulic Level 5, Ch. 19

I am left after reading your update feeling as confused as I am sure you are writing Bella to be. You want Edward to kiss her, because you know that life and it's fucked up nuances is what ruined them, not the love the have for one another. We do some messed up things to even those we hold most dear when we let outside influences take us over. These two have been living in a decade of hurt and lack of communication. Actually, it has probably been even longer than that.

There is no doubt that they have a strong physical chemistry. They also have an emotional bond that stretches back as far as they can remember. But they have a megaton of trust issues. They do not know each other as adults. They a rooted in each other, but are strangers at the same time. Too much needs to happen before they can allow a physical relationship to manifest, if they want a lasting friendship as adults. Or they can just let their physical attraction explode and see what destruction or miracle occurs.
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Beth Sabatino
Spy Games, Ch. 10

I really liked this chapter. It was mostly personal, but I like how you included a bit in the office too. You have the mystery dream that leaves me wondering if it is a premonition of their future together. You leave me with a lingering feeling of wondering if the late nights are Edward's way of knocking her off her professional game. now a mystery roommate. Lots of mystery, but enough to make it very intriguing and not annoyingly answerless.
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Beth Sabatino
Resident Geek, Ch. 17

I love the fact that you have formed a real relationship between these two characters. They have such a rich relationship outside of the bedroom, that it leaves little awkwardness as their relationship is progressing physically. I know Edward has his insecurities, but at least it isn't holding him back too badly, and when it does, Bella coaxes him out of his mind, and wraps him in the security of the trust they have built.

The book swapping is great. I know what you mean about needing a separate glossary/dictionary/guide when reading some Sci-Fi stuff.
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