Beth Sabatino
The Lion and The Jackal, Ch. 4

I'm glad you took a chapter to let us know how it was that James survived. You have set up his network of support, so we know he is not operating entirely alone. He has the support of another family.

I love Victoria's back story, as well. That her existence was the bone of contention between Aro and Edward Sr.

I hope you are feeling better!
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Beth Sabatino
My Life To Be, Ch. 6-7

Chapter 6
Both sides of these relationships seem to be dipping their toes in the other's pools, so to speak. Never doing enough to cross that line, but flirting desperately with it. While Edward and Bella are focusing on the other's relationships, never challenging what they are thinking or feeling, but questioning and discussing their own situations.

Emmett and Rose, on the other hand, though not doing anything, are starting to be blatant. At least, Emmett is there at the end.

Things are crumbling, but what will be left when all the walls fall? I can't wait to see where you go with this!

Chapter 7
It is interesting to see how people will act out emotions such as doubt, jealousy, and need. Emmett fucks. Rose tries to fuck. Edward closes himself off. Only Bella seems to be exploring what she is feeling honestly. She has not promised any sort of exclusivity with Emmett, but is not denying her baser needs if he is willing to fill them.

Emmett and Bella might have had a relationship to last, if he didn't have some sort of retarded view of Bella's "type".
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Beth Sabatino
My Yes, My No, Ch. 10

I am...I feel...this was...::rubs forehead::

The way you wrote Edward in this chapter, you captured the feeling of someone being so absolutely overwhelmed with their emotion, with the possibility of the future,...well, it was just amazing. I, myself, felt like there was something in me that if I didn't find the words or actions to release it, my body might combust. Your words put me there.

This time, it was making love. It was everything connecting with the person you love with all of your being should be.

Lovely, Lo.
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Beth Sabatino
Poughkeepsie Junior

I love your drabble. I loved this line:

Their kiss was cold and tasted like lemons and plans.

I know these were just little moments for a cause, but I feel like some of your best prose is found here. The sweeping words filling in the questions is almost poetic at times, leaving me feeling deliciously voyeuristic.

Though the point of these is to help cure cancer, your words have a medicinal quality for my soul. :)
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Beth Sabatino
Red Corvette, o/s

This was a beautifully innocent look at a young boy's first experience with love, un-reciprocated love, and eventually having your hearts desire offer you everything you have been hoping for.

It was a sweet tale of what happens to a boy who comes out in high school. I am so happy that he wasn't totally isolated, and had friends in Edward and Bella, and a champion in Emmett. I loved it when he was just a nice guy, but to find out that he was starting to have some attractions of his own was a surprising touch.

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Beth Sabatino
Daedalus in Exile, Ch. 8

It is a good thing that Edward is a vampire, and has the perfect photographic memory, because the pile of lies he is building, would crumble with the gentlest of exhale. It will be interesting to see what comes first, her getting her memory back, or an outside source ousting him.

The shift is happening within him. He is being to loathe the lies. He is thinking more about what it is she needs to live, instead of maintaining her until he drinks her dry. As it is in the end, he is craving her presence more than her blood.
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Beth Sabatino
The Fallout, Ch. 22

How could anyone come out of that place after a few months, more or less YEARS and have a stable psyche? [rhetorical] I can't imagine the things Bella has had to do to survive. Things she was forced to forget. How she had to forget herself. It is no wonder she created the persona of the Phoenix. It is a mask to wear. To hide behind. To pretend to be that thing, and not Bella Swan.

It is interesting to see how much humanity Jasper has gained in his years with Alice. I think HE is realizing how much his core self has changed. He has faced the worst of himself in those tunnels, and held onto who he has become. I am proud of him, if I can be so.

The idea that Garrett and Bella are more than survivor-mates, does throw a kink in the plan. To go through all of this, and have them still not be able to reunite would be tragic. You have given us the love triangle with Garrett instead of Edward. Will she choose the one that helped her survive the worst of times or the man she was destined to love?
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Beth Sabatino
Spy Games, Ch. 16

This duel life they were trying to balance was bound to come to a head. I knew he was drawing her. I just knew it. It did hurt my heart to read the end of this chapter, because I have guessed for a while now, that this was ALL about her for Edward. That he was completely in love with her. That he knew her so well, because he is infatuated.

Bella has been the one who has kept this relationship at an arms length. I think she will realize this now.

It will be interesting how the conferences go.
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Beth Sabatino
Devil's Angel, Ch. 5

We knew Edward had something of a past, but it sounds much more terrible than just being a womanizer. What was he accused of that he needs Jessica's alibi so desperately? Something that is so completely horrible that he is still haunted by it. Very interesting.

Ah, what happens when you don't expect there to be a day after, and you run smack into it! Poor Emmett..no idea what is going on. I love the cattiness mixed with the sexual tension at the end of this chapter. This Edward is SO fucking hot in his self-assurance!
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Beth Sabatino
My Yes, My No, Ch. 9

These two have struggled so much in their efforts to find their communication. I am happy that they are starting to trust each other with their unshared past and trusting in the other not to let go or leave, as the case may be.

This chapter made my heart hurt at times, because it really highlighted Edward's pain. How this is it for him. If she says "No", then his world is gone. There is no "moving on" for him.

I love the merging symmetry with the other story line as this chapter came to a close. You played that masterfully.

Looking forward to the story lines uniting, and how you bring us home!
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Beth Sabatino
Don't Ever Forget, Ch. 1-2

Chapter 1
I am so happy to see Armyward! Basic is ending, but this is only the beginning. I am glad to see that he is encouraging Bella to pursue her interests even from a distance. I truly believe that she is it for him.

It is great to see that Alice and Jasper are finally getting set up in their own home. I am happy that she has obviously been in a loving environment has she has traversed her pregnancy. Jasper is a good man, and I hope that they will get to see their dreams come true, though a little delayed.

I teared up with the journal entry and the phone call. Nothing better than having home coming back to you. Can't wait to see what having him home is like for them all.

Chapter 2
I think they showed much more restraint than I could ever show in that situation. I would have taken him in the backseat of the car in the parking garage...or at least pulled off on the side of the road on the way home. js.

These almost two weeks are going to be a test in balance for Edward visiting with his family, and squeezing in all the love and time with Bella that he can.

For now, I am glad they are reunited.
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Beth Sabatino
Late Night Encounters, Ch. 1-4

Chapter 1
Dawnie, I have to admit when I first got the notice for this story, 1) I was late to the game. I must have put you on author alert after you started this story. 2) I read the summery and thought, "I'm not so sure about this". But, I have almost missed out on other fics, because the titles or summaries sounded like something I might not be able to get into, so I decided to read. THANK GOD I DID! I LOVE THIS!

You set up Edward as the lonely guy with a busy schedule, yet not one to just casually get some tail. Of course, Emmett slipped him this website URL. Him as the badgering friend will be entertaining. I love that he just took a chance on it, and was flippant in his bio showing he's non-committal to this. Then Bella appears.

At first, I was so shocked that she was so blatant, but then after they got into it, I was not distracted by it at all. This was hot. I was worried that Bella wouldn't be back. Can't wait to read round 2. ;)

Chapter 2
I love that this was a drunken escapade for Bella. I am also happy that she read back through the transcripts of the chat, and it had the same affect on her sober. Once again, this was so hot.

This story is a more graphic reflection on the freedom that online personas give us. I think it is freeing to have no filter. Then, when we are comfortable, we can let others see who is behind the curtain.

Chapter 3
This is possibly the hottest fic I have read, and the people are in different time zones! You write anticipation so amazingly. I feel my own nerves on end, anxious until they can meet up again. I love that they have such a powerful affect on each other, even at a distance.

I am curious what sort of role Emmett will play in this in the end. I hope he doesn't badger him to the point that he quits seeing Bella, or outs him. Something like this would defame Edward's public image. Not that he is doing anything bad, but let's face it...people judge.

Voices have been heard! Can't wait to see what this does for them!

Chapter 4
I am glad that the reality of his job entered the picture at this early stage of their "relationship". You said from the get go that his job damaged relationships he had. That people couldn't deal with the hours. Even Bella got anxious after not hearing from him for a couple days, and initiated contact. But maybe Edward didn't have someone who would initiate in the past, and I think Bella just really wanted to check in on him. Just to let him know he was missed. Not harping.

She also doesn't seem to judge him at all, which I think will mean a lot to him.

Webcams. They will finally "meet". So exciting!
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Beth Sabatino
Subject: Edward Cullen, AKA The Womanizer, Ch. 32

This party was a great challenge for Edward. He is so protective, borderline possessive, of Bella. It was good for him to see her in action, and have other's flirt with her without him being able to say anything. This was a healthy exercise in trust for him.

...and he was amply rewarded. ;)

I am also glad that Bella is starting to give some, as well. Her busy life with 500 things going on at once was great before, but now she will have a husband and baby in her life. She can no longer fill her schedule with just herself. I love that she is starting to delegate.
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Beth Sabatino
Counterpoint, Ch. 15-16

Chapter 15
The fight with Alice still hurts from this side of the coin. Harsh judgment, especially from someone you love so much, always cuts deep. Not only that, but it truly leaves you questioning yourself.

I love how Edward is both so confident, yet still such a boy. He understands the seriousness of Bella's risks, and believes completely in his love. Then, he can still be brought to blush by Bella's one shred of confidence. Ahhh...sweet boy.

Chapter 16
LOL! I salute your mad peen skills, sir!

He was so sweet to make breakfast for Bella. I loved the banter between him and Carlisle in the kitchen. It was nice to hear that Bella was teaching him to cook. Those skill sets that he has never learned living a life of privilege.

I love how Bella challenges the things Edward has been taught. He wants to be a gentleman, and not physically initiate anything with Bella, because he feels it is in bad form after her emotional day. Yet he said so himself, in the last chapter, that Bella needs sex like people need oxygen.
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Beth Sabatino
Bad Press, Ch. 1-7

Chapter 1
From the very start, you have me. Bella has a less than ideal past, and is looking for a fresh start. She is a two birds with one stone kind of girl, by combining her blind date with scoping out her new job, which I think is hilarious.

I love the way you introduce Alice, and Edward. Alice doesn't feel forced or phony. Just someone you would easily like. Then you bring us Edward darkly clad and sexy, and what do you have Bella do...ask him to help her barf. So great.

Chapter 2
I love a confident, cocky Edward, and in this case, he is the GM as well, and not just the bartender. This will make things interesting. I love how you have set up all our favorite supporting Cullen players. I like that it is truly a family business, and everyone will do what they need to in order to keep things operational.

I love the banter between Edward and Bella. I like that she is honest with Edward about her short comings, maybe in a moment of desperation. I can't wait to see what he comes up with to help her.

Chapter 3
The "Stay" killed me. My heart jumped right to my throat. These two have such an easy rapport. I was hoping for the night to never end just like Edward. Obviously, Bella has some issues in her past that has her a bit spooked. She is also starting a new job THERE in the morning.

I was sorry to see Edward so easily led to believe that she was shallow. He did say he had trust issues, so I can see where he would be quick to believe the worst in someone he just met.

Can't wait for tomorrow!

Chapter 4
Fav line, "Leave it to Emmett to be the Sherlock Holmes of pussy." I'm still laughing about that one.

Edward is in for a surprise when he realizes his dream and his nightmare are one in the same. Will he decide to go with the plan to be an ass, or change tactics?

I love this Bella. I love a STRONG Bella. She knows her shit. I like that you have paired her with Angela as her assistant. I have a feeling there is nothing that they are going to be able to pull that she is not already two steps ahead on.

This is going to be fun.

Chapter 5
This chapter was absolutely on fire! What an awkward room to be in. Bella is sharp as a tack, and not only put Edward in his place, but swept his main ally away with the words "stockcar". I was a bit surprised at both of them for getting so catty at a board meeting, but I think they were both caught up in the moment, working out UST via professional sparring.

This is so good.

Chapter 6
ObsessingOverEdward is the reason I found your story. She recs the best stuff. Your story included. I am continuing that chain of rec'ing myself!

The kiss in her office was A-MAZING! It reminded me of that Cheers episode where Sam and Diane are "I hate you!" "I hate you more!" ::kiss:: :)

Now, we shall see how these two dance between their volatile professional lives and their personal relationship which has so much potential.

Chapter 7
I loved the use of the one-on-one meetings as a device to get to know some of the key players better and how they will eventually interact with Bella. Jessica and Emmett's meetings went as I expected, but you pull some shit out for Alice! I did not see that coming, but now makes the wallet stealing something Edward would owe her big time for. I am happy that Bella will have an open relationship with her. She needs someone she can confide in openly.

Finally, I loved the elevator ride. You have a gift for banter. I can't wait to see him show up in her office...with a plant maybe?
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Beth Sabatino
The Lion and The Jackal, Ch. 2-3

Chapter 2
Laurent has a secret. Someone remains (I'm pretending I don't know it is James). Here, Edward thought finding him would equal closure, and he could get back to Bella, and now it is not over. Not only is it not over, but this new player is aware of Bella, and is possibly after her.


Chapter 3
Mmmm...sexy, domineering Edward resurfaces. I love when he is quietly aggressive. His whispered threats, and deadly thumb... I missed this take charge, confident man.

Now he is off and running! I can't wait to see the expansion of the prologue once they become reunited!
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Beth Sabatino
Confessions of a Nanny, Ch. 14

You just had to go and Tanya on our parade, didn't you. ;) Can't wait to see what this fuckery is all about.

I loved the quiet morning of playing and talking between the two of them. The eager touches of new lovers mixed with the uncertainty of new feelings was a beautiful dance. I like that they are being honest with each other, and hope this open communication can continue.
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Beth Sabatino
Art After 5, Ch. 55

Great ending to a wonderful story. I loved the arc of Bella through this story. It is hard to allow yourself to trust in love when you have been so abandoned and hurt by it. I am so happy that you allowed Bella to submit to some therapy and heal herself before she sought out Edward again.

Edward's journey hurts a bit more, because he starts young, naive, and so optimistic. It is sad to know that we all end up experiencing things that cloud our views on life. I am sorry it was being forsaken by his first love, and then to loose his dad so young.

Finally, I am happy with how you ended this. Things aren't perfect, but they are filled with love and hope for the future.
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Beth Sabatino
Diseased Affair - Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Title: You Might Make Me Believe
Words: 3,206
Beth Sabatino
At The Deep End, Ch. 20

You write their love making so beautifully. The emotion between the two of them emanates off the page. There is so much love with these two, and you have no doubt that these two were meant to be together forever.

They have such a big event ahead of them. This will be a lot of worry for nothing, or they are about to face the largest emotional obstacle of their entire relationship.
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Beth Sabatino
Spy Games, Ch. 15

Hopefully these two can find a place where they quit playing head games and can enjoy this relationship for everything it could be. They have everyone telling them they should end it. That it will only cause pain, yet they can't or won't stay away from one another.

It was great seeing Bella at the dinner, and for once in a while commanding a room in her talent and extensive knowledge. For being that woman that deserves the place she is in her career. I loved when she put that dude in his place, and then was tucking business cards and checks in her purse for the rest of her night.

It will be interesting to see how Edward reacts to Dean's good-night. It might reveal his hand, finally, or cause great detriment to what they have built. We shall see!
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Beth Sabatino
Edward Wallbanger, Ch. 11-12

Chapter 11
James will be playing the ghost of boyfriends past in tonight's episode of Wallbanger. I am curious what you are going to make of his character. He seems like a semi-decent guy so far.

I love that Clive pissed on Edward's shirt! That and the wink. So funny!

I am noticing that our Mr. Banger is choosing to get no action lately, other than the Bella's-erotic-dream-talk induced wank sessions. Also, he is anticipating her arrival home, and wanting her company. It is becoming a natural thing for him, and for her too.

Chapter 12
That's it. After this chapter, I am letting this story crawl up into my uterus and procreate.

It was interesting getting some perspective on Bella and her past. I love how she is not threatened by her past. That she can can sit and have a mature conversation, and have her small indicators (such as the drink ordering) that she is woman, yet dance down memory lane, and leave it there.

Edward's pacing was so fantastic! Our boy is hooked, and doesn't even know it.

Then you give us pie, meatballs, and horror movies. Which were dripping in your humor and sexual innuendos. I loved every moment of the food prep and the feeding and the suckling. Then more snuggling forced by the movie.

The end of the chapter was the icing on the cake. Just the nooking (I had never heard it called that), and the soft conversation. Being content just to hold someone close and have it feel so right.

::whispers to uterus:: Nestle in, little bangers.
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Beth Sabatino
My Life To Be, Ch. 1-5

Chapter 1
I love the banter that you have already established between the two of them. They tease openly and both have quick wits. It will be fun to watch these two interact.

Love the twist that their tie is their significant others are co-workers.

Chapter 2
Threw me for a loop thinking that Rose and Emmett already had something going on the side. I honestly believe that it is still just business at this point, but then again, I don't expect that to last long.

Then Edward and Bella are starting their getting to know yous. Their conversation is easy, and already they are fantasizing about each other.

Chapter 3
And now we get a glance at the compatibility of Rose and Emmett, while the current relationships start to crumble. I think four adults are realizing that they all have stayed too long in relationships that haven't worked in quite some time.

Chapter 4
It's nice to see that Bella has the balls to say out loud to Emmett that they need to take a break while she is having doubts. While she is wanting something more. I believe that Emmett really believes he loves her, I am just not sure that is enough anymore.

Chapter 5
I loved Bella and Emmett's back story. It really paints a clear picture of Bella's character, and why she is seeking a loser definition of her relationship with Emmett. She despises cheating enough to alienate herself from all her friends for a semi-stranger.

I like that Edward, though he is having urges for so much more, is contenting himself with being Bella's friend. Hopefully he has a serious talk with Rose before things go any further, because we know how Bella would feel about that. Or is she going to be a hypocrite?
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Beth Sabatino
The Training, Ch. 3-5

Chapter 3
This chapter was a pleasant shift in gears. The quiet of the library was such a nice contrast to the storm going on in their minds. They aren't confused, per se, but the lines are still unclear. I think much more of this "offline" conversation needs to happen during the week. Such as, "Is saying 'I love you' OK on the weekend?"

I am not sure if these are details that need to be discussed ahead of time or as they go. Probably as they go, because they won't know there is an issue until it comes up. Still, I hope they talk.

Chapter 4
Back to some new play in the playroom. More interesting to me, though is Edward fighting to get his head in his Master role. That if he has a raging hard on in the middle of the night, it is within their arrangement for him to wake her to get his release. Bella, in turn, needs to learn to be responsive to her master's needs, and when he says jump...

Chapter 5
Edward was very gentle in his mannerisms this time in the playroom. Gentle and encouraging. I think that is wonderful, but he is a little inconsistent at times with Bella this weekend. He shifts from harsh to gentle. I hope it doesn't confuse her.

I am glad Edward called Peter, and that they are going to meet up. Edward is right that she needs someone within the lifestyle, that is not him, to talk to and ask questions of.

It will be interesting to see how they shift back into their weekday personas.
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Beth Sabatino
Daedalus in Exile, Ch. 5-7

Chapter 5
Your descriptions of the inanimate things in this chapter really helped put me in the moment. I felt like I was there watching the colors dance off the metal frame of the mattress. I could smell it. That was awesome.

Though, I have to say, my favorite thing in this chapter was Edward in the store. I can only imagine how daunting that trip to be for someone who NEEDED nothing in that store. hehehe.

Chapter 6
Well...there is a twist. Amnesia. Edward has a larger window to avoid the truth of how they both came to be there, and their shared history. Clever, clever...

We also have hit the tip of the iceberg of the fact that the Cullens continued to live out a full "life" in Forks after Edward left that included Bella. He sees it as a betrayal, but they were just living their lives as he forced them to ignore his. This will be interesting to see what happens when/if the family enters into this situation.

Alice promised not to look into Edward's future, but she has no such agreement with Bella.

Chapter 7
It is interesting to read an Edward who is not denying his vampiric nature. We so rarely get to see him in his predatory element. I loved his internal monologue on her reactions and how he knew this was just a mediocre substitute for what it was he really wanted. It's the vampire version of dating girls that look like the one you really desire.

Then there is his conversation with Carlisle. How long before he can't stand lying to his mentor? How long before Alice looks at Bella's future, and finds her with Edward by her side in HIS cabin? Edward himself almost gave himself away with the glue/stitches revelation. He's starting to build up a house of cards.
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Beth Sabatino
Poughkeepsie, Ch. 68

Did I ever tell you that I love roller coasters? I mean...I LOVE roller coasters. This chapter was an emotional roller coaster.

You start us down low. We watch Rosalie live out her harrowing past with a little girl that shares the name of her little girl, and that calls her mommy. Our bad-ass assassin has everything she ever wanted thrown in her face...and Emmetts. My heart wrenched knowing that sometimes loving something so fucking much means letting it go.

Then you take us on that slow glorious climb through the wedding. I loved the moment that Edward got down on his knees to capture her attention and assure her calm before continuing the ceremony. I'm also glad the chief allowed Emmett to stay. Eyes teared a bit when the brothers embraced after so long apart. The wedding was perfect, and their moment with their gifts was a beautiful circle to the beginning.

Finally, you plunge us gloriously into the wedding night. Our gentleman is exacting and controlled. He was in control of the night and her body. It was two halves of one soul united in every way. It made you forget that this wasn't their first time together.

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Beth Sabatino
My Brother's Best Friend, Ch. 20

I love seeing them so in love and in lust. They have both denied themselves this happiness for so long. I have faith that they can work this out. They are each others future. They know this.

I am sorry that Bella didn't get a chance to tell Edward about her job opportunities. They were so busy with the wedding and being initially in love to be practical. Hopefully they will use their time apart to talk. When they can't be distracted by each others physicality.

I still love Edward's timidness and uncertainty.
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Beth Sabatino
Only You Can Save Me, o/s

Fantasy #1: man on a motorcycle

You had me at Harley, bb.

So often times, one shots leave me feeling like I just read a scene instead of a story. With yours, I felt that I was taken beginning to end, and I love that. Your Bella was shy, yet confident. Edward was steadfast, yet vulnerable.

This was a wonderful tale of watching two people who weren't looking for anything and finding everything. I love how you used the daughter as not a means to get the two together, but as common ground. She came to be loved by both of these adults, and in caring for her, allowed themselves to be open to each other.

So happy to see them married with a baby on the way at the end. Their love and that child shows the ultimate level of emotionally healing they have achieved with each other.
Beth Sabatino
Cocktails & Dreams, Ch. 30-31

Chapter 30
You wrote this Christmas perfectly. You wove quite moments and silent tears of those who are grieving with the joyous moments that show that life does go on, and that you don't have to sacrifice happiness while mourning.

The comedy in this chapter was great. Emmett walking in on them and then Bella's gift of the bell was so clever. Then it was nice to see filterless Bella make a return as well.

Finally, all the gifts were so thoughtful and carried so much meaning. I love the do-overs, and the promise of the future.

Chapter 31
What a great ending to a great story! They are obviously very contented in their future, and as in love as ever. You wrote the comfortableness of a couple who have long been together perfectly. It contrasted nicely with the Bella and Edward through the story. After all of these years, they are still cashing in their "do-overs"! :)

Thank-you so much for sharing this story with the rest of us! I've really enjoyed reading it.
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Beth Sabatino
Over The Top, Ch. 33 (Outtake)

This outtake for the Support Stacy Auction gave a taste of your humorous side that we didn't get to necessarily see in Over The Top. I loved Edward's extreme hesitancy and annoyance with the activity that Jasper has planned for them. His skittishness with the horses and then worries about the fish in the pond were so funny. Such a baby. ;)

The lemon was raw, yet completely encompassed with their love. It is a reminder of everything about this story that made me fall in love with these boys as I witnessed them falling in love with each other.

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Beth Sabatino
Devil's Angel, Ch. 2-4

Chapter 2
I love the background you have given Bella so far. The fact that she, Ali, Emmett, and Seth are all siblings by adoption. I like that she is part of a family business. It highlights the steadfastness of her life, along with the fact that she is still screwing her first love, and not seeking to move on romantically. We get a first feel for her character.

Once we get to the bar and her first interaction with Edward, you show us she is not some blushing flower, but has a quick wit, and a sharp mind. I like this Bella. Despite Edward's smooth, she can still keep her wits about her.

Chapter 3
I don't know what made me hotter, the lemon or the thought of riding behind that hot piece of man on that bike! LOL!

Seriously though, that was...volcanic. It was the perfect mix of dirty and encompassing. The way he dominated her, but also checked in a not obvious way all along to make sure she was still game for it all.

Looking forward to round 2!

Chapter 4
Mmmm...round two. Now why can't they make an alarm clock that does that? It would definitely keep me away from the "Sleep" button! Again, the epic heat of your lemons is amazing. I am amazed at how you can balance animalistic want yet make it seem romantic in it's motions and touches.

I am glad that she broke her arrangement with Jake. I am glad, though she was disappointed Edward wasn't there in the morning, he left her with a confidence and new view of what type of relationship she was worthy of having.

Although, I saw Edward as the investor coming, I was not disappointed to be right. :) What now?
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Beth Sabatino
Overtime at The Office, Ch. 3

Only you can take a position that normally makes me clinch up, and have me thinking, "Fuck...that sounds kinda nice." Only you, Wingman.

I thought this outtake was absolutely beautiful. Experimentation of new position aside, this chapter wrapped me up in the haze of their love and adoration for each other. I was love drunk and my heart lurched in my chest at Edward's proclamations of the necessity of having Bella in his life. Where these usually come off as cliched or forced, I BELIEVED he felt that way.

Your writing of lemons is by no doubt the tops in the fandom, but your love making, that is even more special. Knowing you, I see that you not only write this devotion, but live it. Just wow. <3
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Beth Sabatino
My Yes, My No, Ch. 7-8

Chapter 7
This path started out as Bella not telling Edward anything out of fear, and I still think that is present, but I think she is also starting to become a bit in denial now. She is of the mindset that Edward's presence = happiness. She is lying to herself and Edward.

I hope that Edward got through to her a bit in the shower, but I still don't think she realizes what he is trying to convey to her. It is all quite sad...for both of them.

Chapter 8
It wasn't until my rereading of Chapter 7 & 8 together that I recognized the parallel of your 'Yes' Bella and your 'No' Edward both struggling with the words to explain their emotions. Though, 'No' Edward is finding the way to expression much easier.

"In its place was the silence of a woman needing answers and a man running out of ways to apologize." I loved this line.

These two still hit the occasional snag, but now that much of the truth is out there, they are in such a healthy place, and I love the baby steps they are taking physically. I loved the night they sat there on her bed, topless, just feeling each other. That was sexy. Also, your Edward's fingers make me twitch more than most Epeens out there.
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Beth Sabatino
elusiV, Ch. 7

I love the addition of the fact that all vampires fall asleep at dawn, and the rate that they wake up is based on age. I thought that was very cool. Very creative.

Now, for the good stuff. Edward and Jacob in bed and then the shower together. Hole - E - FUCK! That was sooo hot! You made it raw and needy, but at the same time it was equally slow and sensual. You displayed how much it was about their pleasure, yet there was not doubt that there was emotion driving their actions. I am loving to see that emotion starting to spill over out of the bedroom as well. They are all experiencing jealousy and protectiveness of their threesome.

Finally, the crime scene. I am anxious to see what it is Bella does to them that buckles them in order to exacerbate or trigger her gift.
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Beth Sabatino
Kick the Tires and Light the Fires, Ch. 14

You do such an interesting dance between lyrical description and mythic reference before shifting gears from 4th to 1st with your racing metaphors and lingo. Yet, somehow it works. :)

Hot lemon at the get go there, Chief.

Finally, Bella and Leah doin' a little drunk lesbianism. Didn't see that one coming!
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Beth Sabatino
Counterpoint, Ch. 14

I find the irony in reading this now, either that or his naivety, that it is Edward who is always trying to convince Bella of his love and devotion, when really, all along, he should have been looking for hers.
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Beth Sabatino
Guarding Edward, Ch. 43

What a great chapter! I loved seeing the Cullens and the wolves at Christmas. Their gifts were a great mixture of funny and thoughtful.

Then Carlisle's desensitization program was very clever. I liked what you did with the gradual introduction mixed with the additive. What a unique idea for making human blood disgusting. :)
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Beth Sabatino
The Fallout, Ch. 20-21

Chapter 20
I love how you used the past and the present to show the difference in how they resolve issues. You showed them at the worst of times, and how they started down the path of healing. Then we flash to the present as they force each other to talk out anger and sadness.

Then, you give us Jasper, and it turns out not only Jasper, but Bella too! How strong Jasper had to be to face down Edward, and tell him he had to wait and hear the whole story before he saw her again. Knowing everything Edward felt and is now feeling.

The second part of this tale is going to be more harrowing than the first, but it is going to be more external drama than emotional. The road back, if possible, is not going to be easy.

Chapter 21
I love the gentleness that Jasper showed towards the mother and her child as he found his way to Maria's realm. I hope that they can find their way up to Forks. They deserve a positive community.

Seeing Jasper enter Maria's sanctum and witness just the crust of the horrors that is her underworld was heartbreaking. Knowing that he was feeling everything in that sheltered hell. To see that Maria wasn't only creating an army, but was breaking all vampiric law (as in the case of the Immortal Child). She was more powerful and completely unleashed, unlike before.

Then, to have found Bella, but not even Bella. A creature that once was Bella Swan. I am eager to see what she is now!
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Beth Sabatino
Mr. Horrible, Ch. 34

I know you are on a role with Feisty's horseshit reviews, but you are going to have to deal with my sincere one for a moment. Sorry it has taken me so long.

I thought this wedding was the perfect summation of this story. There were elements of traditional being swiped with the insanity of drag queens, Chucks, and curse-laden vows. I thought the ice cream cake was brilliant, and just made me hungry. The entire situation shown the spotlight on all of their better and worse, but in the end, they were standing there together, wanting it all.

I know you started this as a challenge for yourself, but you proved to us all, and hopefully to yourself, that you can do comedy. Even if it is snarky, bizarre, HEA comedy. xoxo
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Beth Sabatino
Love Net, Ch. 33

I loved the wedding outtake! I have missed Staff Sgt. Sexy! In fact, I went back and reread the entire story after reading this outtake! :)

The strip tease was awesome, and I loved seeing them in the moment of making their lives together official. They had such a tough road, and I am so happy they have a happy, loving life ahead of them.
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Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 24-28

Chapter 24
All the Charlie stuff in this chapter made me all mushy. Being a daughter of a single father, it made my heart hurt thinking of my own dad all alone, and how sad I/he would be if I was across the country. I guess that is why part of me, while reading this, started to be angry with Bella for being willing to sacrifice her life for Edwards, because there are people who love her just as much as the Cullens love Edward. I had to say I was relieved when her plunge from the Citadel was fail.

Continue to enjoy this crack-tastic story!

Chapter 25
I loved this chapter! For every question that came to mind, you gave me an answer that I wouldn't have guessed, but I fucking loved.

I love that she was drawn to Jasper playing music, and that it turns out that he was one of Edward's best friends. Then for him to start playing "their song", part of me questioned and hoped that Edward had told him about Bella, but was just as happy to have it been just a coincidence, an urge on his part.

I am so happy they had that night together. To sit and talk about Edward, to share their grief. It is said that hardship/grief shared is hardship/grief halved. Just to know that someone is out there hurting as much as you, for the same loss is comforting. Maybe that is why we mourn in groups.

Finally, I like the fact that they had sex. I think it was more than that. It wasn't making love, but it was a sharing/manifesting of emotion in a physical form. A release of pain, an offering.

Lovely, lovely chapter.

Chapter 26
This was a modern version of the classic tragedies. Dressing up in the dress, laying herself in the bathtub, and taking the "poison" to take her into a permanent slumber. This was a very romantic death scene. Job hazard for you? ;)

I am so sad for Charlie and Rosalie. These are two people who love her so much. She is such a large part of their worlds. I don't see the heroism to destroy the people you love for the happiness of strangers.

I feel so torn after this chapter.

Chapter 27
I took such a huge breath of relief as we found Bella awake in her bathtub! I love her found strength. She is liberated, and I loved the symbolism of her shedding the dress like she is shedding the skin of her former self. She buys a ticket to go see Charlie for Easter, and he is so elated that she is coming, that I could feel the smile glowing on my face. Then when she meets up with Rosalie, and is so happy and renewed, I started to become cautious, because after 26 chapters of your fuckery, I am suspicious of too much happy.

The Bella returns to her dream world strong and triumphant. She strides into and face the source of her struggle, and reclaims what is hers just to clutch it to herself as she reaches her demise. :(

Chapter 28
Alice is the sleeper! Mother fucker.

Heart hurts...heart is hurting. I know you have brought a family the happiness of having their daughter and her voice. You even gave Emmett and Tanya each other. Then, you give Charlie Alice as a surrogate type daughter. But Rose's pain was almost too much for me. A friend should never see their friend carried out of their home under a white sheet. I speak from experience. The pain is crippling.

I know I am supposed to feel some closure, but there is just the pain. So very, very sad.

Thank-you so much for writing and sharing this fabulous story with us. xoxo
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Beth Sabatino
Diseased Affair, Ch. 32

Chapter 32 Title: I Could Not Ask For More
Words: 3,026
Beth Sabatino
Edward Wallbanger, Ch. 10

I love the pace at which you are rocking this story. I like that they are becoming friends first. Extremely obvious sexual comments friends, but friends. It is great seeing two adults talk, confident in who they are, and getting to know each other.

I also liked the use of texts to plan the Tahoe trip, and start to unfold the mis-matched couples.
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Beth Sabatino
Confessions of a Nanny, Ch. 13

Bless the friends/relatives who take your children for the evening so you can be as loud as you can possibly be! This was funny and sexy. I love a confident Edward who isn't afraid to command a situation.
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Beth Sabatino
A Life Extraordinary, Ch. 1-2

Chapter 1
She's off and running! I liked the detail of Bella's alter perception of Edward's skin. Now what is going on with girlfriend's eyes and touch! Proceeding with abandon.

Chapter 2
Can you imagine being afraid to touch the man you love while you have sex, because you might hurt him? Well, I guess you can, you wrote it. That was a tad heartbreaking seeing Edward almost begging Bella just to hold him. :(
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Beth Sabatino
My Yes, My No, Ch. 6

I like new memories. :)

I am so happy that you had them confront the place where the pain was rooted and talk through what that moment was like for both of them. This reality is so much healthier than the avoidance track. They are now in a place where you hear them say "I love you", and you really believe those words have a foundation.

Her telling him to taste her on his fingers was hot.
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Beth Sabatino
The Training, Ch. 2

I am realizing now how they had barely looked at the tip of the iceburg in the course of their last D/s go. Things are going to be very different this time around.

Looking forward to some library down time.
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Beth Sabatino
Counterpoint, Ch. 13

Poor Edward. He is so love drunk and sex happy, that he sees the warning signs but is choosing to ignore them. It almost hurts to read these chapters knowing what is coming. I am glad that you gave him an awareness of Bella's detatchment. As of right now, he is a willing gambler.

I loved the moment between Carlisle and Edward. Toasting the cherry popping with a beer. :)
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Beth Sabatino
Daedalus in Exile, Ch. 2-4

Chapter 2
Predator to savior. It is interesting to find Edward not giving a second thought to killing Bella at this point. She is there for his taking, and he has just saved her, not because he wants to protect her humanity, but because he doesn't want to share his snack.

Now an even more tempting Bella lays before him, as that precious blood he craves pours from her.

Not her, ye says. We'll see, says I.

Chapter 3
Decisions, decisions. I love the subtle shift of his psyche. "Her room". He is already staking a permanence for her that I am not sure he is even aware of yet. Now, he is researching how to save her. Though, she has a head injury that is bleeding out. You might want to smack some vampiric speed on that, buddy.

Chapter 4
Bella is clean and relocated. Edward's talking to her as he treats her, especially his sweet "sorry", is so endearing. I am waiting for Carlisle to show up because Alice has had a vision, but another part of me feels that Edward needs to deal with this in solitary.

Looking forward to more!
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