Beth Sabatino
Sleepers, Awake: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Ch. 23

I had a feeling you might take it here, but it doesn't make it any less of a mindfuck. What to do. What to do. Do you save Edward still, after you have already sacrificed so much for him? Do you spare his family and friends the pain of losing him? Do you do it all for love?


Do you choose to stay alive? Spare Charlie and Rose the pain of your loss?


Are these dreams just a subconscious reminder that she is loved. That she is significant to this world. That she may not be able to create in her fantasy land, but that she has a unique, creative voice in this world.


This is all going to be the fantasy world of an autistic kid with a snow globe.

Who knows. Your tomfuckery knows no bounds! I love you for it!
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